AYAM RICA-RICA -Manadonese Style Grilled Chicken
1 whole young chicken
1 lime
1½ tsp. salt
5 Tbs. coconuts oil
Coarsely grind the following ingredients:
8 red chilies
10 bird's eye chilies
2 cm fresh ginger
1 stalk lemongrass, take the white part only
2 lime leaves
2 tomatoes, cut up


Cut the chicken up into 2 or 4 pieces and then marinate them with 1 Tbs. salt and lime juice and set it aside for about 30 minutes. Grill the chicken on a barbecue grill or in an oven over moderate heat until half done.
Heat 5 Tbs. vegetable oil in a wok over medium high temperature. Stir fry the ground spice until fragrant. Pour in the rest of the salt and lime juice. Brush the half done grilled chicken with the fried ground spices. Finish grilling the chicken until done, while brushing the rest of the spices on it until the spices are finished up. Ready to serve.

TINUTUAN -Manadonese Vegetable Porridge

1 cup of rice
1 piece of cassava
1 slice of pumpkin
3 ears of corns
1 bunch of kangkung (typical Indonesian vegetable)
1 bunch of spinach
1 bunch of gedi (typical manadonese vegetable) or other vegetable
2 stalks of lemongrasses
2 turmeric leaves
1 bunch of kemangi
1½ tsp. salt

Cut the cassava in small pieces and cook them with the rice. Wait for about 30 minutes, then add the pumpkin, corn and turmeric leaves. Wait until the pumpkin becomes soft, then add the vegetables in sequence, with the hardest first. Pour in the rest of the salt. Don't let the vegetables over-cook. You can make chili sauce with tomatoes and onion (ground or sliced). Ready to serve.