welcome to a leonardo dicpario australian fansite. before i go any further, i would just like to say that i didn't design and create this website because everybody else was doing a leonardo dicaprio website. i actually had this website up on the internet about 6 years ago but with studies, work and other stuff that was happening in my life, i didn't have a chance to revamp the website and upload it again but finally, after all this time, the website is up and running - and here it is...

I would also like to say that the leonardo dicaprio, unofficial australian fansite, is a serious fansite designed by a professional graphic designer. the information contained on this fansite is true and accurate and will focus on leonardo and his career, not just his good looks. it is geared towards the serious leonardo fan who wants to read up on leonardo and what is happening with him and his career.

i also think it's great that there are so many websites dedicated to leonardo dicaprio because leonardo is a special person. he works tirelessly for many good causes, especially environmental causes which shows his wonderful spirit as a human being and his care for the earth and all it's inhabitants.

if you would like to contact me regarding anything on this website, feel free to do so. Maybe you would like to contribute something or just to share something with myself or other leonardo fans you can contact me via reg@hermes.net.au you can leave a nice message in the guestbook provided below.

check out the links page for other leonardo dicaprio related websites and affiliates.

view my guestbook sign my guestbook

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this website was created by ms. toni hearn © 2005 australia