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Famous relatives

of the Nerdlys::

Great Grandpa& Grandma
Nerdly moved to southwest Missouri in the 1890's.  In 1912 Grandpa Nerdly was born He married Grandma Nerdly in 1930.

Jerry Nerdly

Aimee Holer

Fidel Nerdly

Brian Nerdly

Great Grandpa Nerdly

Stephanie the goat

Claudia Bodini

Great Grandma Nerdly

Grandpa Nerdly

Harold Nerdly

Forrest Nerdly

Grandma Nerdly

Jina Nerdly

Momma Nerdly

Melvin Nerdly

Pa Nerdly


Arma Nerdly

Bo Bo Buffs

Baby Tiger

Fidel Nerdly