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The "Coast to Coast Show" Sucks!!

The old Art Bell Show is history, replaced by George Noory and his slanted politics.

I honestly believe George hasn't gotten over the 2000 election. His anti Bush, anti administration comments, and Guest, make it clear he's still suffering because of the Gore loss!!

But its not just the politics. Its the lack of the Paranormal, Alien, Big Foot, Abductees style programming.What ever happened to the Flying Saucers?

When I lay down at night and turn on the radio, the LAST thing I want to hear is POLITICS!!!- -

I know it not just me.- - - My sister told me the other day, (with no prompting from me), that she quit listening to Coast to Coast, after hearing a guy on the show say; Bush has a electronic game he plays, and he accidently caused Hurricane Katrina while playing this futuristic game (prior to that night she had been disappointed with the programing, but like a lot of people, was waiting for the show to go back to the regular format).

Anyone who has listened the last 6 months knows George's stance on 9-11. He thinks the flight over Pennsylvania was shot down (had nothing to do with the heroes onboard).
He also thinks the Pentagon was hit with a missle, not an airplane.

He's willing to believe the "Black Opps Community" can control the weather (create storms, hurricanes,etc.); He has no problem with every conspiacy theory under the sun, so long as it has Bush at its center; BUT, he draws the line when it comes to 9-11!! He cant believe we were attack by Muslim extremist who hijacked planes and flew them into buildings!! Oh no, there had to be more to it!!
The bottom line is he's willing to believe far out rhetoric (so long as it's anti Bush, anti administration), but he wont believe in reasonable, logical explanations!! He doesn't believe in coincidence. He says there no such thing.

He agrees with Richard Hoaglands wild ramblings, but thinks the duly elected President, is lying everytime he opens his mouth!!

Am I alone in my reasoning, or are there people out there that agree?? I know Art Bell is never coming back, all I'm saying is bring back the Art Bell format!!!

Keep your politics to yourself George!!!

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Close our Borders ?

First let me agree with everyone who will say "Our immigration Policies are what made America Great".
But people also say "Things Change" / "You have to change with the Times".

The world is a different place today than it was when we were saying, "Send us your huddled masses".
People used to come to America to be a part of what we have going on! They came to start a better life, and to become "Americans".

For the most part people are still looking for a better life, but I wonder if the majority still want to be "Americans"?
In the OLD days (back when the mass immigration was going on), I'd be willing to bet NONE of the immigrants were coming here to destroy America!!
I wonder what percentage of the "Temporary Visa's", issued these days, are to people wanting to bring down America, or at the very least, don't like Americans!!  (there are over 5000 people here on "Temporary Visa's" that are unaccounted for)

For whatever the reason/s are, we are hated around the world.
I know the people that hate us are NOT in the majority, BUT there ARE millions of people around the world that would like to see us go DOWN!!!

Shouldn't we clamp down on  our borders? At least for a long enough time to get a handle on our problem? I know we cant cover ever square inch of our borders, but we can make it harder to get in!  The people that hate us are using our own system against us. - - They party it up big time,  go to Las Vegas,  drink,  get lap dances. - - Then drop off their Anthrax envelopes at a few post office's, hijack some planes,  then kill thousands of innocent Americans that,  a few months earlier,  welcomed them into the country with open arms!!

If we don't change with the times, we will suffer the consequences. - - I know it will be a victory for them, (terrorist), if we change our way of doing things, BUT,  their probably depending on us to feel exactly that way!

Their counting on us to  NOT make any changes that might hinder their plans!!