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S T O P the Fighting
Topic: Political Party's

I'm not exactly sure when the hate and refusal to communicate, started but I do know if it doesn't stop we could all be in a world of trouble. In my most resent memory I know the republicans hated Bill Clinton to the point, any semblance of co-operation, and getting along for the sake of the country was close to impossible. - - Clinton was driven to distraction by the Monica Lewinsky affair, and in general nit-picking by republicans, at a time in history when terrorism was just starting to grow and get organized. When he should of been concentrating on Osama Bin Laden and other terrorist threats, he was busy trying to dodge all the political bombshells being hurled at him constantly!! - - - - ( Remember "Wag the Dog"?? ) - - - We need to admit how Clinton was talked about and degraded in the public forum. People on the right side of the isle never missed a chance to accuse Clinton of everything under the sun. I'm not saying it wasn't true. What I'm saying is, now the shoe is on the other foot!!!

Now the left is doing the same thing to George Bush. - - - - The debate over who deserves or did deserve all the criticism, who is right or wrong, or who's the better man, needs to be put on back burners. Both sides, right and left, need to cut the crap and start putting forth a united front to the world.

These world leaders who think nothing of coming here to the United States, to speak at the U.N., then call our president "The Devil", a "liar", etc., would never have the nerve to do such a thing, if they hadn't heard it before from U.S. Senators, and members of Congress !!

Can you imagine being on the same page and agreeing with the President of Iran or Venezuela? Well that's what is happening now. Democrats are listening to a mad man from Venezuela saying, very close, to what they've been saying!! The president of Iran comes here and repeats insults he's heard or read from the US press.

We have to put who started it and who deserves it behind us. We HAVE to stop!!! Somehow, someway, our political parties have to start doing whats best for the country instead of whats best for a particular "Political Party". - - - - Disagree, have different approaches and different ideas , but the mud slinging, bad mouthing and disparaging of individuals has to stop or we're finished!! - -

We ( republicans, anyone right of center), need to be the first to stop the bullshit!! We need to stop the character assassinations and accusing people of not being patriotic. The bickering and bad mouthing has to stop! At the very least, out elected officials stop using the media to disparage their opponents.
Speaking of the media - - - it sure would help if they'd REPORT the news, instead of trying to shape it, to fit their own opinion.

If we all try to be more tolerant and try to hold down the rhetoric and the mudslinging, maybe, little by little, the tone will start cooling down. The end result needs to be, if any political leader from another country enters the United States and calls OUR president "the devil", that person should be run out of town, out of the country, with his tail tucked between his legs!!! (instead of being applauded)


The next election between George Bush and John Kerry will be the time when America will decide whether to be appeasers and isolationist or continue the fight against Terror!!! This election will determine the course we will take and the future of this country and the free world. Turning the fight over to the United Nations which Kerry will eventually do, will lead to the end of the fight and victory for the terrorist!!
The Terrorist have already effected one election, if the United States elects John Kerry, it'll be the start of the end of our position in the world. - -I'm not talking about the first year or 10 years. I'm talking about a slow shift in attitude and will power. The weakening of us and the empowering of the United Nations and the mideastern countries. More Sadaams will rise and be protected by the UN and appeasers like Germany and France who want to do business with them.


Kerry Evasive And Confusing On Gay Marriage


Kerry Won’t Rule Out Supporting Amendment To Massachusetts Constitution Banning Gay Marriage. “Asked if he would support a state constitutional amendment barring gay and lesbian marriages, Kerry didn’t rule out the possibility. ‘I’ll have to see what language there is,’ he said.” (Susan Milligan, “Kerry Says GOP May Target Him On ‘Wedge Issue,’” The Boston Globe, 2/6/04)


On Question Of Gay Marriage, Kerry Said, “We Need To Achieve What We Can, And Then We Will See Where We Are.” Kerry believes civil unions “would be more acceptable to the public than marriage for homosexual couples. Kerry indicated he might eventually back gay marriages if a public consensus developed for them. ‘We need to achieve what we can, and then we will see where we are,’ he said.” (Ronald Brownstein, “Gay Issues Get Democratic Field’s Backing,” Los Angeles Times, 7/16/03)


Kerry Said It Would Be “Grave Error” For Massachusetts To Adopt Amendment Banning Gay Marriage. “We believe it would be a grave error for Massachusetts to enshrine in our Constitution a provision which would have such a negative effect on so many of our fellow residents. … We are therefore united in urging you to reject this Constitutional amendment and avoid stigmatizing so many of our fellow citizens who do not deserve to be treated in such a manner.” (Sen. John Kerry, et al, Letter To Members Of The Massachusetts Legislature, 7/12/02)


Kerry Was One Of Only 14 Senators To Vote Against 1996 Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA), Which Banned Federal Recognition Of Gay Marriage And Same-Sex Partner Benefits. (H.R. 3396, CQ Vote #280: Passed 85-14: R 53-0; D 32-14, 9/10/96, Kerry Voted Nay)
Kerry Called DOMA “Unconstitutional, Unprecedented And Unnecessary,” And “Politics At Its Worst.” “DOMA is unconstitutional, unprecedented and unnecessary. Again, I return to the original questions: What is its legislative purpose? What is its motivation? What does passage of this bill mean for the country? It is hard to believe that this bill is anything other than a thinly veiled attempt to score political debating points by scapegoating gay and lesbian Americans. That is politics at its worst …” (Sen. John Kerry [D-MA], Congressional Record, 9/10/96, p. 10108)

Confused? - - ME Too.

A Thought about "Gun Laws"

I wont go into the gory details but I will tell you, I've got personal (reliable) information, that NOTHING would make the criminal element happier than to see ALL the guns rounded up and destroyed.
A knife or a crowbar is a whole lot more menacing when there's NO guns around! And, if your the one with the weapon,--knowing your not going to run into a gun, is very reassuring. The point is, why argue over whether or not the bad guys will still be able to get guns ? They wont need a gun!!
Guns don't kill, people do,-- A inanimate object cant be held responsible,-- all the phrases we coin, just help to confuse the debate. The longer the argument last, the wilder the scenarios get. I don't believe a sensible argument can be made to get rid of guns. All your going to end up doing is make it harder for law-abiding citizens to get guns.
If anyone out there can give me a sensible reason why you think we'd be better off with more gun laws,- or even if we rounded up all the guns and threw them into the ocean- I sure would like to hear it!
There's a link below to send an e-mail. If your opinion makes sense, I'll post it on one of my pages.-- ( Don't worry I wont post any names or addresses-- just opinions)

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Some Feedback

Its my opinion that more gun laws wont accomplish anything and banning guns altogether, is ridiculous.--Take my word for it --the criminal element in our society will vote for any proposal to ban and/or destroy all firearms of anykind. Anyone who thinks their making life difficult for criminals by passing new gun laws or by trying to get guns outlawed, has lost touch with reality!--- - Knowing their not going to run into some nut with a gun would be very reasuring to your average burgular or thief. When I say "knowing their not going to run into some nut with a gun",--I say it to let you know- - - thats what they think of us! Just like we sit around and talk about "All those Nuts out there running around with guns".--The criminals are sitting around talking about - - "You have to be careful not to run into one of those nuts out there with a gun!"
I've always said if the criminals pooled their money to try and make stealing, easier and safer, they couldn't have done better than to of hired the anti gun lobby in Washington!
As far as "more gun laws" is concerned, I guess I'll join the crowd and say "We're not enforcing the gun laws we have on the books now! If you watch the news or read the newspaper with any regularity at all--you have to of seen example after example of "Gun Laws" not being enforced.- - - Remember the guy in LA that went into a daycare and shot 6 people? He broke every gun law you can think of up in Washington State.
A judge even ordered him to turn in his guns, --AND his probation officer had all this information, and did nothing!

(The Details on "Furrow" at TRIPOD)