Really Cool Pictures, Etc.

These are pictures that I just think are really cool!

Click HERE to check out my airbrushing and animation-making skills!!!!!!!!!

I took this in Flagstaff, Az. My grandparents ended up adopting the cat sitting in the road!

My dad took this in New York. That's my Mom in the front left of the picture.

I took this on the lawn of one of our old houses. The cat is named Tiger, and belonged to our neighbors across the street.

This is a picture taken by the webcam on the 8th floor of the Gould-Simpson building on the U of A campus.

Here are three old pictures of my mom and I in New York that I fooled with in photography class:

Jennifer and I sometime around 2000 - this one always just makes me laugh when I look at the expression on her face! :o)

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Last updated on 27 January 2004
Created sometime on or before August 19, 2001
