Tom Trivia!

Tom's son, David, did a fine job as Master of Ceremonies.  

He related the history of how their Scottish-sounding last name came to be.  No, they are NOT related to Scarlett `O Hara of "Gone with the Wind" fame. In fact, there is not a drop of Scottish blood in this Ohara `Ohana.`

David then guided Tom's party guests through a lively quiz  game of Tom Trivia. 

Guess who won? 


1.  In what state was Tom born?


(A giveaway. You gotta be from Mars if you didn't know  this.)


2.  What is Tom's birth date?

April 1, 1933   (April Fool's Day)


3.  What high school did Tom attend?

McKinley High School


4.  According to Tom, what does 'Mahalo' mean to tourists who visit Hawai`i?




5.  Whenever he is in a store, there are two things in particular that attract Tom's attention.  What are they?

50% off sale items



6.  What was Tom's favorite thing to do with his kids on vacation?




7.  What is Tom's favorite computer game?



8.  What is Tom's preferred way of cooking a turkey for dinner?

Smoked Turkey



The Winner!



100% Correct on the Tom Trivia Quiz!

Self-named as "Tom's 2nd Wife,"
Kay and Tom cardio-walk with Ken EVERY morning in the mall.
Just goes to show, Kay is not all talk, she listens and listens well!

Hô da akamai, dat Moloka`i girl!
(Wow, that girl from Moloka`i is brilliant!)





The Invitation | Tom Arrives | Tom's Wife, Doris | Tom's Children & Grandchildren
 Tom's GuestsTom Trivia |
Tom's Cake The Significance of the 70th Birthday: Koki  
Many Happy Returns
| Yahoo Photo Album

AU © 2003