Slike z maturanca �au ne smem met objavljenih... če pa koga kej zanima pa naj mi po�le mejl! Sorry


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If U wanna learn more about me... write an e-mail! 


Vegova class of '98 through the 4 years - L1C L2C L3C L4C


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 Andrej me je prosu, naj mu vr�em na net reklamo za in�trukcije (matematika, fizika in pdb...) Če koga zanima naj mi po�lje mejl

 You can also check out these sites:

Dr. Tomzi Koro�ec - Toma� Kogej's homepage, learn about model rockets...

CyberSpace - Peter C.'s homepage, home of Atomic Bomberman...

Bartman_si - Sa�a Bremec's homepage, all about The Simpsons...

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