
More coming later...

YABOG (Yet Another Break Out Game)
by Kevin Peck

But it isn't just another Break Out game. It's the very best.
YABOG has a few clear differences to Arkanoid and its clones. First of all, you don't need to destroy all blocks, just a certain one (or one of several certain ones). This is related to the second great difference: no falling letters/blocks/objects; instead when you hit a block of certain type, it has certain effect. There are over twenty types of blocks: of course everything ordinary like magnetpaddle, extralife, bonuspoints (2 kinds), ballspeed up & down, exploding block, invisible, indistructable and blocks needing 2, 3 or 4 hits. But there are also more interesting ones: warp, 2 types of block-add, paddlespeed up & down (they're trouble...), weirdball and couple others. Some efects (like speed) are also cumulative.

But the real great thing is the level editor. Levelsets (only 1 included) have 1 to 40 levels. Another good thing is levelskip block, which puts you over one or two leves instead of the next. So, in a set with enough of those (and a smart design) you can skip half of levels to keep even 40 level set reasonably short to play through.

download YABOG here (77 kt)

But YABOG has one great fault: A MISERABLE LEVELSET.
Fortunately it has the editor, so here's a good bunch of (mostly) nice levelsets created by Yours Truly ;)

download my YABOG levelsets here (75 kt)
Over 700 levels in over 20 sets !!!

Now... Being an old game, YABOG needs to be slowed down (unless you have a nice old machine; my 386 works nicely). MO'SLO does the trick.

download Mo'Slo 1.2 here (4 kt only)
(NOT the newest version.)

Fantasy Quest
by Anthony LoSapio

This could be called the smallest RPG ever made. But like any game, it deserves to be tried. And thought it isn't much in any way, FQ is surprisingly fun.

download Fantsy Quest here (11 kt)

by MetsänEläimet

To define this simply: a real-time, two-player Worms. It's worm against worm and what great two-player fun it is too. But one really needs that human opponent, the AI is really bad and kills much more propably himself (but so does a beginner player also). Liero comes with level editor (I just love those!)

download Liero here (396 kt)

Stick Fighter II
by Gary Shaw
public domain

Street Fighter II on stick figures. This is something you can run on anything. Plus, it has it's own slowdown system for fast machines (here defined as >16MHz ;)

download Stick Fighter II here (98 kt)

Kung Fu Louie
by Raphael Salgado

Simple one-player beat'em up. Entirely 2D, like a platform without jumping. But it's short, playable, relatively easy and great fun for 15 minutes. An example on how games should be done.

download Kung Fu Louie here (351 kt)

Tumble Wire Screen Saver
by Paul P Schaefer

Here's a nice, oldfashioned saver. Personally, I get soon bored with savers, especially awfully flashy ones. Tumble Wire is simple, win 3.1 -style saver of rolling and bouncing vector objects. Something one can stand a couple weeks, IMHO. Check it out.

download Tumble Wire here (27 kt)
