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Console Games
PC Games
My Collection
This page last
updated on 01/15/01
by Thomas Palmer

I am an avid game player, and have been one since the late '70s. I currently own a Playstation, Saturn, Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, Nintendo, TG-16, Sega Genesis/32X, Sega CD, Atari Lynx, Atari Jaguar, Game Boy Color, NeoGeo Pocket Color, Wonderswan, Game Gear, Sega Nomad, and a I also own a PentiumII 450 with 128MB RAM, Voodoo3 and lots of HD space. Over the years I have also owned Pong, Atari 2600, and the Sega Master system. As far as computers go I have owned an Atari 400, Atari 800, Atari XL, AppleIIe, AppleIIc, Mac, IBM PC/XT, 386 and a Pentium 90.

In the pages that follow I will be giving you personal reviews for various games that I have played. I tend to buy or rent most of the games that are released so I will try to stay up to date here.

In addition I will include links to various sites dedicated to particular games. I will try to include both "Official" and Un-Official sites. I will also have links to any major patches and demos as soon as they are released. I will also play most of the demos and include reviews of those if I have not reviewed the full version yet.

In the future I will try to include screen shots in the reviews.
I hope you enjoy the show.