~ Multimedia ~

last updated: 03/24/00

Purrr..back home?

    Well, here it is.  That multimedia page I promised you.  Here's a buncha midi's from a buncha places and stuff.  Enjoy! ^.^

Ayeka's Theme from the show Tenchi Muyo!
Sasami's Theme from the show Tenchi Muyo!
The closing theme to Tenchi Muyo!
The opening theme to Tenchi Muyo!
A Tenchi midi.
Mihoshi's theme! COOL!
Another Tenchi midi.
A really cool Midi ^.^
The OAV opening for Fushigi Yuugi.
'nother version of the OAV opening.
Yet another..
And another...
The full OAV opening.
The OAV ending.
The ending again. ^.^
A weird Fushigi midi.
'I Wish'
'Everything for You'
Hotohori's theme.
Tasuki's Theme.
Serena's locket.
Pretty midi.
The countering of the day midi.
Sailor V's theme.
The theme of the outer senshi.
She's got the power!
Sailor Jupiter's theme.
Moon's Revenge!
Another version of Moon's Revenge!
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon.
The sad tune from Sailor Moon.
Sailor Saturn's theme.
A SailorMoon midi.
Sailor Moon again??
A cool Sailor Moon midi
Sailor Moon?
Sounds like Techno!
This midi bounces.
Sound orchestra-ey to you?
Don't ASK.
Sounds like the Negaverse!
This is a duplicate of something, isn't it?
The opening theme to Evangelion.
An EVA midi
Another EVA midi.
A Final Fantasy 7 midi
Aeris's theme?(FF7)
The Turk's theme.(FF7)
The Airship midi.(FF7)
Battle midi.(FF7)
Boss battle!(FF7)
Chocobo theme.(FF7)
Cids theme.(FF7)
The midi that plays in the desert prison.(FF7)
The chocobo farm!(FF7)
The opening to FF7
Rufus's theme.(FF7)
Seven s'more?
Tifa's theme(FF7)
The train.(FF7)
World map.(FF7)
An aeris theme.(FF7)
Vince's Theme from FF7.
Rinoa's Theme. (FF8)
A ranma midi!
Ranma wild!
Ranma theme?
Ranma ballad. ^.^
The midi for 'Give a Reason', from Slayers.
A midi from Revolutionary Girl Utena, I think.
A cool midi, apparently from an anime.
Apparently an intro midi to some anime. ^.^
A cool midi.
My opening theme..teehee.
MATT'S midi!
The midi for 'Change the World', by Eric Clapton.
'Tears in Heaven', by Eric Clapton.
another Eric Clapton song.
Dont cry for me Argentiinaa..
The power of Goodbye.
Sara Mclaughclan's Ice Cream
Jesus don't Want me For a Sunbeam, by Nirvana.
Lithium, by Nirvana.
The midi for 'Light my Fire', by the Doors.
The midi for "Riders on the Storm' by the Doors.
Midi for 'Time Of My Life(Good Riddance)', by GreenDay..
Midi for 'Truly Madly Deeply' by Savage Garden.
'Under the Bridge', by RHCP
But you, you're not allowed..
Nothing Else Matters, by Metallica.
Every Breath you Take, by the Police
God Must Have Spent(A Little More Time On You)
Iris, by the GooGoo Dolls.
Midi of Santa Monica.
Midi of Stairway to Heaven
Another coolie midi. ^.^
A theme for a daemoness.
A theme for a character with multiple personalities.
The Pooka's Waltz
A pooka theme.
Cool midi.
A hauntingly pretty midi.
A haunting melody.
'nother cool midi.
Cool midi.
A midievial-sounding midi.
No one left.
A ritual?
A fast-paced midi.
Who knows?
Loyal much?
brave heart?
A cool midi!
Daniel's midi. BWAH!
Who knows.
Again, who knows.
Who knows s'more?