MY BIG PAGE O' TANX! (in no particular order)

1) Tanx to Neo Venus who has contributed this lovely background for my page. Please visit her pages:

The All Chibi-Usa Shrine

Neo Senshi:The Next Generation

2) A big tanx to those who started my addiction to Sailor Moon, homepages, the Internet, ICQ, Pokemon, Oh! My Goddess, Slayers, and Anime in General...I could go on forever!

Firefly, owner of.... Saturn Temple

AND Windcatcher, owner of.... Moon Beam Inn

3) My lovely college friends who have allowed me to share the wonders of Sailor Moon with them: Sarafu, Tigger (Kiki), mako chan and the mysterious other friends (I don't have a nickame for you! You know who you are!) that will remain anonymouse at this time.

4) Lovely Geocities to whom without their lovely services this page would not be possible! Want a page? I highly recommend Geocities! Go to to get one of your very own!

5) Everyone and Everybody who has made Sailormoon available for me to watch (including producers, directors, tv stations, of course you-know-who, and EVEN the dubbers)!

6) All the rest of my friends, family, and e-mail buddies who have helped me out. You are NOT forgotten!

7) My voices. Oh, how dear they are. I mustn't forget their lovely removal of all sanity from this little page!

P.S. I don't know where I got most of my pics from. If you see one that you know is specifically yours, feel free to e-mail me for credit. I believe in giving credit where credit is deserved.