
I use a couple of other names, but for the purposes of webpages, VASH is always most conveinant. For the most part, you can e-mail me at my Geo account, this will forward the mail to my Yahoo! account. :) I have 3 mail accounts, in case you're wondering... ^_~

I'm currently a sophmore at the University of Florida, where it's disgustingly warm and sunny most of the time, and where hurricanes never hit. Other ways to contact me are via ICQ and IM, where, respectively, my id is: 50800426 and mystavash1999, however, my IM is not stranger friendly at the moment, so your best bet is ICQ, or e-mail me. I check my accounts every day. :)

I like anime, but not all anime... It's not a genre in and of itself, you know. My fav is 8-Man, but I'm also fond of Ushio and Tora and Sailor Moon. Rave all you want, but I still think Record of Lodoss War was dull. ;) And, yes, the angel above is Usagi, aka Sailor Moon.

General Information

Purpose of the site? Odds and ends, mostly. Things that have no cohesion with each other, other than they're things I'm interested in, things I do, that sorta thing. Why Renaissance? Was not the Renaissance man a master of all trades, the painter, the inventor, the writer? Well, then, it stands for the eclectic mess this site is, a jumbled soup.

Why a new look? Why not? I decided this site needed to look more cheery. ^_^ I still prefer the black, but eh, now I can use more transparent gifs! And, as a side note, I do all the html by hand. I actually typed out all the source code myself, occasionally tediously, and occasionally sleepily. ^_^ Blame it all on me if there are errors popping up, and be sure to complain to the webmistress!

The little girl on the side? She is known as Chibi-Chibi, which roughly translates as "little-little." Her tale is a bit too complex to relate herein. :)

The Fanfiction

The girl in the sketch a la izquierda is Vashana, the main character in my fanfiction. At the moment I have 3 chapters, and another "in progress." One might wonder why this is all I have after 2 years... I have TONS more stuff, but it's all crap, so it doesn't count. ^_^ I skipped ahead in my own plot to write the interesting bits, but I found that I needed the background, because a fic that made sense only to me, wasn't really that much of a fic at all. :) Read and enjoy!

Feel free to comment and constructively criticize. Flames, however are unkind, and undeserved.

My pride and JOY, I'm so glad you asked! ^_^ VASH's Card Scans features anime cards, and lots, and lots, and lots of them. Hundreds of cards scanned, if not a thousand...I think I'll have a party when I have a thousand. ^_^ I put a lot of hard work, and spent most of the holiday break, scanning, and scanning... I kept thinking, I left all the easy cards at the dorm! Feel free to browse, however, the scans themselves are all 60-80 kb each, and you'd need a high connection to do true browsing. However, if you're just looking for one card, 'tis a good place to go. :)

VASH's Renaissance HomePage created and maintained by VASH.

Last Updated: January 6, 2000
Created: December 25, 1999