Chester & Greta


Wouldn't you know it ... first we move up our departure date to 8 March and then the visa paperwork gets behind and due to many extraneous circumstances we have to delay our departure to 18 March. Right now G & I are enjoying the wonderful hospitality of Greta's mom in Dallas. I'm recovering from a rather nasty sinus infection and Greta is doing everything. Soon it'll be my turn.

We'll be flying DFW to Denver to Los Angeles to Tokyo-Narita Airport. The last leg will be on Singapore Air which from all accounts is a really plush airlines ... supposedly each seat has a private movie screen with built in Nintendo games. Weeee!


It is now the night before we fly out and we're busy packing. Too much stuff ... too much stuff. That's my new mantra. Everything has come together right at the end here. We finished up some banking business (I'm sure I'll put a rant on here about that when I have some time ... Bank of America, evil evil). Received our LA to Tokyo tickets from the consolidator. Got our traveler's checks. Ate some barbeque ... yum!

I think this is starting to feel real now. Usually, I can picture myself in a particular situation and that helps me adjust. I have been having trouble picturing G & I in Japan. I think it is because, as much as I've read about the country, and as much information we have from friends, I still really don't know what to expect. I do know that this is going to be one heck of an adventure.

The school sent us a nice packet that included a flyer for the school (with pictures of everyone), instructions on how to get from the New Tokyo Airport to the school, a phone card and 5000Yen for rail tickets. That is a really nice touch.

We'll be contacting everyone once we arrive and have internet access again. I think Greta has set us up with a provider already so it may not take long.

Bon Voyage! Happy Trails!