Story of Hiei's Childhood

"The red-body boy, Imiko...Imiko...yeah it's Imiko."
"The destruction of self within a hundred years...the secret of the man"
"She was a young, dirty, and ugly girl."
"The longevity of the Icepeople is unlimited. In 100 years of ages, there's ll be one destruction of self. Then, the baby is born. It will be strong as a grown-up...without borrowing anyone's strenght. Everything is female which won't make any different to male."
"Since the beginning of glacier, there were twins...boy and girl...can hear and see even before they were born." "The girl is Doho and the boy is Imiko...he will be preserve from all destructions."
"The Icepeople exchanged with each other outside the atmosphere. That's the reason why they live in the castle surrounded by hot clouds. If the Icepeople is different from the family. All the kid will inherit all qualifications and will reproduce boys only...with fierce habit. The woman who reproduce the boy will die afterward with no exception...all are at risk..."
Old woman : Rui...knows that is friend of Hina. You must know that Imiko...a lot will be killed with no reason.
Hina crying.
Old woman : Pity on them.
Hina threw Hiei away...down from the Ice Castle.
"Believe that he'll stay alive. After born...will come back and kill all the Ice woman."
Imiko Hiei. Born at the Ice city. Parents were thieves. He liked to see the flesh that is being cut...spilled with blood. When hears the cry of people, he grinned with happiness...understand how his mother felt when dropped him down.
He knew the marble in the name of high quality gem. He murdered the victims just wanted to see the gem. However, that doesn't make him sit still. The Ice land, don't care about finding it, but he was busy. When he look at the marble, he thought of his homeland. When he was bored from killing, the theives in the third dimension were afraid of him so they all ran away...which gave him more times to look at the marble. He felt free while looking at it and made him thought of himself.
To be continued........

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