Sean Sano Young

November 1-5, 1999

During this week Daddy was back in Tokyo working, so that he could support our family. Mommy took some pictures with the digital camera during the week, and then gave them to Daddy when he came to visit on Friday night.

Here you can see how Mommy and I spent the week with just the 2 of us, and a bunch of visitors. Maybe you can also see how I changed and grew day by day!

Sunday, October 31, 1999


Click on thumbnail (200x150) for larger image (800x600)

Here are a couple pictures that Mommy took on the Sunday after Daddy left. It was Halloween that day, so Mommy tried to create a Halloween photo for me.

Monday, November 1, 1999


Click on thumbnail (200x150) for larger image (800x600)

Here are a few pictures during the day showing how I rolled around in my hospital bed-cart.

I love to sleep as much as I can, and I'm very active too, when I'm not fully asleep!

Tuesday, November 2, 1999


Click on thumbnail (200x150) for larger image (800x600)


Here is the baby staying in the room next door to me. Our mothers decided to put us together briefly.

Mommy had a breastfeeding class at the hospital today. Here is teacher of the class.

After the class, Mommy was able to feed me a lot more by herself, so she learned a lot in the class!

Here is another mother and her baby from the breastfeeding class. Mommy met many other mothers and babies in the hospital. It was a very small hospital, but there were a few new babies every day, as it was a very popular hospital!

Wednesday, November 3, 1999


Click on thumbnail (200x150) for larger image (800x600)

Here is a picture of Nabeshima-san holding me. Nabeshima-san is Noriko's mother. They are good friends (and very distant relatives) of my Mommy's family in Fuchu. Noriko is their daughter and recently graduated from Waseda University in Tokyo and is now working in Tokyo. So Mommy, Daddy, and I will be able to meet Noriko when we all return to Tokyo in a few weeks.

Here are a few more pictures of me during the day, sleeping and stretching!

Thursday, November 4, 1999


Click on thumbnail (200x150) for larger image (800x600)

A few more pictures of me on Thursday.

Am I growing yet???

Friday, November 5, 1999


Click on thumbnail (200x150) for larger image (800x600)

On Friday, I'm sleeping again, probably getting bigger now!

On this day, Mommy checked out of the Iguchi Clinic hospital and went home to Grandparents' house.

Daddy also finally came to visit us, but arrived very late, around 11:00 pm.


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