Sean Sano Young

Wednesday, October 27, 1999

Here I am on my 2nd day in the world. In the morning, I was still not even 1 day old yet!

But I saw my parents more this day, even though I was still in the nursery a lot.

Wednesday, October 27, 1999


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Here I am in the nursery, waking up in the morning. Pretty soon I will go visit my parents!

Here I am in the nursery being fed by a nurse before I go visit Mommy and Daddy for the day.

Here I am with Mommy in the early morning. This is the first time I get to be hugged by Mommy! It's about 10:30 in the morning now.

In the late morning, some flowers came! Daddy gave Mommy the flowers on the left, and my grandmother gave Mommy the small vase in the middle, and Iguchi-sensei's wife gave Mommy 2-dozen roses on the right.

Now I get to spend some father-son bonding time with Daddy as well. The clock shows that it's about 11:00 am now.

Here I am in Mommy's room with Mommy and Daddy in the early evening.

Here I am in the late evening, spending time with Mommy and Daddy before I go back to the nursery to go to sleep for the night. But I am already sleeping! Like Mommy and Daddy, I love to sleep!


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