Links and Connexions

Here are some great links... Check em' out! If you have any interesting links, let me know too!

C o o l  S t u f f

F r i e n d s

My Michael Learns To Rock Website

The Official Michael Learns To Rock Homepage

My Aqua Website

The Official Aqua Homepage

C O O L ! connexions

My Other Homepage - Please visit my other homepage, which features m.u.s.i.c. bands, and some other kewl stuff !

Geocities - That's where you are now. Go apply for a FREE homepage.

YouthQuake - Malaysia's first online paper for youths. I usually go for the Riffs section, coz that's where they talk about music bands.

Star Online - Another up-to-date online paper. A localised, Malaysian version of

MTVonline - All the latest news in the music world... and mtvs too!

Travlang - A page to learn some foreign language!

Ultimate Band List - Search for your fav bands and artistes! You name it, they've got it!

EMI Malaysia - for local and international music!

Shareware - you can search for some sharewares here...

NET FRIENDS connexions

Yeaw Chu's Homepage - He's my 20-year-old brother, and he's studying in UK. He's a die-hard of music files, Formula 1 Grand Prix, 500cc Motorcycle Grand Prix, and whatever that has the word "engineering". He loves to bully his sis, and he is a blur fella. hah. : )

Woan Yun's Homepage - she's my classmate, my buddy, my 'tai-kar-jie', my closest IRCfren, my guru on making ze best spaghetti, my ... etc. Need I say more? Loads of great midi files too! She's a regular IRC-er, and she's a great friend. Thanx!

APS Web Graphics - He's from Oz, and he's a very *nice* guy. Check his site for tips on pix, and other cool features too !

CDB Homepage - A great homepage on this awesome Oz boyband : )

CreativeMinds - A Danish friend a.k.a. Meshman, has a place here. Check it out!

Enter the Gerst Zone - He's from Holland. We've been netfrens for some time, and your mails are really interesting! Thanks!

Tashi's Homepage - He hails from Tibet, but he's in US right now.

Mofmair - She's AP's good friend.. check out her personal homepage.


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