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About Me

I am from Malaysia. Let's first discuss about Malaysia. Malaysia is in Asia and is geographically located between Thailand and Singapore. In Malaysia, we have 3 main different races : Malay; Chinese; and Indian. I am Chinese. If you like summer, Malaysia is a place where you should put in your 'place must visit' list...nice and beautiful beaches.

I own a Nintendo 64 with 4 games, Donkey Kong 64, Zelda, Mario 64, and, Banjo and Kazooie. They all rock! I met a lot of friends from the internet because of these games. You can find all my friends in one of the forum links. I am known as Bigbug there...hehehe...

I had been working in Düsseldorf, Germany. Düsseldorf is a nice city to live in with lots of pub. I have been to England for 2 years for my studies. Computer Science is my major.

Now that I am back in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, I am enjoying all the food that I had missed so much...especially my mama's cooking... yum yum...

However, in my current job, I need to travel to Cyprus off and on. Cyprus is a very nice little island and very relaxing.