DreamINC. Headquarters

Managed to infiltrate my private base, eh? (Yeah right...when the link is displayed so) Seriously though I'd like to thank you for dropping by. :O)

What is this dump??? Funny you should mention dump, because a dump site is exactly what I think this page will turn out to be. No, not a garbage dump. I wouldn't want to drive you away would I? What I mean is that what you'll find on this page is approximately everything that I've ever written; some might not be the short stories I specialize in. There could be poems littered about, maybe an occasional script for a play in class thrown in for good measure.

Most of these stories are mainly drafts of novels I'd like to write in the future. Due to impatience and a busy schedule, that's all I have time for...for now.

An unFORTUNEate mix-up

This is my English assignment.

We were assigned to write a short story for class, and this was what came out of it. My classmates really liked it (mostly the girls did since it's a romance) ... but they found it bitin as they say in Filipino. (hey it was only supposed to be 5 pages long! double spaced!) So I wrote a sequel...


The plot of this short story is that this girl goes to a fortune teller (just for fun mind you!) and the palm reader tells her that her soulmate is some guy with the initials K.H.

The girl's reaction is to roll her eyes and wave it off. But the next day, she's waitressing (it's her part-time job) and a guy calls out "Hey K.H." She remembers the prediction and runs out, but the guy is nowhere in sight.

The search for K.H. is on...

The Nonsense of Soap Operas

Yet another English assignment. Due to the upcoming Intramurals (sort of like the Sports Fest of our school) our teacher had us work in groups of three to make a script for a stand-up comedian. Keep in mind this was written for a guy.

Wanna email me?Go right ahead! (In fact, I'm -uh- begging you to...)

Or go back to my fanfic page and sign my guestbook!