Caliriel - Eyrie of Calligraphy

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A few words first ...

I'm not planning to make this an important part of my site, because I've discovered how dreadful my calligraphy looks in comparison to the great masterpieces elsewhere on my site. However, I do hope to expand this page to include some work by my mother, my teacher, and my two favourite rivals at competitions, Lai Ban and Hui Ping (brother and sister). For now -- well, this is it -- hope you enjoy it!

==========================line with eyes==========================

Fengqiao Yebo

Mooring by Maple Bridge at Night

The moon descends
the ravens cry
under the frost-filled sky

Facing in restlessness
the river-lined maples
the fishing-boat lights

Beyond Gusu walls
lies the Wintry Hill temple

Peals of midnight bell
reach the houseboat chamber

Zhang Ji

Kaishu/Regular Style piece, 1996, 35cm x 69cm.
Click on the pic for a bigger version.

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Watermark, by Enya

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