Eternal Sleep?: Part Sixteen

Written by: Liz Donovan

Ranma ½ Homepage
Eternal Sleep?: Part Sixteen

Yachi-yunqi walked out of the cemetery gravely. It was appropriate facial expressions for exiting a place of death, yet he did not want to feel so sad. He held his head high, and walked steadily. He tried not to let his mind wander. He hadn’t been in Nermia for years, and he’d forgotten some of the streets and such. It wasn’t long before he was wandering in the market, looking for Akane’s home.
He sighed, realizing he had no clue where Akane lived. He’d spent a good solid year in Nermia before, but he couldn’t, for the life of him, remember where she lived. Not to mention he hadn’t eaten much of anything for several days. He continued through the market, wishing he had the money to buy some decent food. He sighed and kept his head up.
He passed a nice woman roughly his age, possibly older. She had a basket in one arm, and her long brown hair pulled in a ponytail. She wore a soft lavender colored dress and she curiously watched him as he passed. An old man stood with her, and he was observing the fruits displayed on the table in front of him. Yachi-yunqi paid her little mind as he continued. He couldn’t be distracted by other peoples stares, he had to find Akane!

Kasumi nearly dropped her basket as she saw the man pass her by. "Father! Oh father." She whispered. Soun put a hand to his back and turned around.
"What is it, Kasumi?" he questioned.
"Father," Kasumi stated. "That’s the strange man who came to our door this morning. I’m sure of it!"
Soun looked out, watching Yachi-yunqi leave. He squinted against the setting sun. "That one asked about Ranma-kun?" Soun questioned. Kasumi nodded.
"Yes he did father." She answered.
"There is nothing we can do now about him." Soun answered. "Let him go." He turned and began walking away. Kasumi watched Yachi-yunqi a moment and then followed her father.
"Yes, father." She answered.
It was nearly dark when Yachi-yunqi found himself at the door to the Tendo’s. He was ecstatic to have finally found the place. He noticed the old Tendo Training Dojo sign was missing, replaced with just the family name. Regardless he walked up and knocked on the door.
Kasumi looked up from the table where she and Soun sat to eat.
"Oh my." She said. "We seem to have a visitor." And she stood, going to the door. "I’m coming."
Soun set his glass down and sighed. He brushed his graying hair back, out of his face. Things had been so quiet around here for the past few years. He sighed again.
Kasumi slide the door open and nearly dropped. The same man from the market stood there. She wasted no time in asking questions.
"Father!" she cried, stepping back. The man gawked at her.
Soun, despite his age, leapt to his feet as his eldest daughters cry.
"Kasumi!? What’s wrong? I’m coming!" Soun called. In moment he had put himself between Kasumi and Yachi-yunqi.
"Who are you? What do you want?" Sure enough it was the same man from the market. Yachi-yunqi innocently raised his hands.
" I’m looking for Akane-san! Who are you?!" he cried, alarmed.
Soun narrowed his eyes at Yachi-yunqi. "I’m her father! What do you want with my daughter?" he angrily asked. Yachi-yunqi’s eyes bugged.
"Her father?!" he cried. "Mr. Tendo! What happened to you!?" he exclaimed. Soun glared at Yachi-yunqi.
"Who are you?" Soun demanded. "What do you want?" he repeated. Yachi-yunqi straightened.
"Could he forget me that easily?" He asked himself. "You forgot yourself." He thought. Shrugging he said aloud. "I’m Yachi-yu-" he paused. That was his Chinese name. Soun never knew him by his Chinese name. He cleared his throat. "Hibiki." he said. "I’m Hibiki Ryouga."
Soun immediately extended his 1st and 4th fingers and fell over. Kasumi slapped a hand to her cheek and said.
Ryouga bit his lip and looked on.
Soun recovered quickly. He stood up and pointed and accusing finger at Ryouga. "You some guts returning here, after what you’ve done to my daughter, and my family!" he shouted. Ryouga blinked.
"I…I…" Ryouga stumbled for words. He knew he’d put Akane through a lot, but he just wasn’t ready for these accusations. Soun became solemn.
"Akane is no longer with us…" Soun started. Ryouga registered the words and fell to his knees.
"What!?" he cried. "Akane-san is dead?!" he cried, feeling hot tears spring to his cheeks. Soun narrowed his eyes at Ryouga.
"No." he answered. "She lives in the House of Kunou." He answered. Ryouga looked up, somewhat relieved.
"The House of Kunou…" he echoed. He remembered the engraving on Ranma’s tombstone. A pang of sadness struck him. If she lived with the Kuno’s that meant she probably was a Kuno…for a moment he was grief stricken, but he recovered quickly. "She found someone to love her and take care for her…" he thought. "and for that I am grateful to Tatewaki."
"Why have you returned?!" Soun bellowed. Ryouga looked up at the graying old man.
"I…" he began. How could he explain all that had happened to him? His journey to China? The way he’d lived for the past five years. His forgotten memories? It was too much to tell.
"I brought him here." An old familiar voice answered. Both Soun and Ryouga turned to look at the speaker. It was Cologne. Soun face faulted again.
"You too!?" he cried.
"O-baba!" Ryouga cried.
Cologne stood on her staff, looking at the two. Not far behind stood Mousse, the setting sun behind him. Soun narrowed his eyes at her.
"For what reason did you return?" Soun inquired. Cologne hopped towards him.
"Need I explain why I return to the home of my grand-daughters first fiancee?" Cologne answered. Soun said nothing. She pointed a gnarled finger at Ryouga. "This one found his way to China, and to me. My grand-daughter ended her life because of actions of his, and of your families. I find it fitting to repay him for his work." She answered. Ryouga blinked, not quiet understanding what she was saying. Slowly he got to his feet.
"Now," Cologne added. "I shall be taking him to the House of Kunou!" she turned, and grabbed Ryouga’s collar and began hopping away with him in tow. Mousse let the two pass, and looked at Soun and Kasumi.
"It has been a long trip, forgive us for our rudeness." Mousse said. Kasumi smiled brightly, and waved farewell. Mousse turned and followed Cologne and Ryouga.
Soun stood a moment and then realized what Cologne had in mind. "Akane!" he cried, and then took off after the three. Kasumi watched her father leave as well.
"Oh my…" she said.

It didn’t take long before Cologne, Ryouga, and Mousse arrived at Kuno’s. She released Ryouga and threw him against the oak door. Ryouga rubbed his side and got to his feet.
"Well, and knock, foreigner!" she told Ryouga in harsh Chinese. He narrowed his eyes at her.
"YOU’RE the foreigner now!" he retorted. She frowned, and whammed him upside the head with her staff.
"Knock." She commanded. Ryouga grumbled and looked up at the huge door in front of him. He reached forward and took the brass knocker into his hands. He took a deep breath. He was going to see Akane again. After all these years. Perhaps she would have children. He smiled.
Tatewaki’s children. He frowned. Shutting his eyes he pushed those thoughts from his mind. He lifted the knocker and rapped it against the wood several times. Then he dropped it and stepped back. Cologne hopped onto her staff again, waiting. Mousse crossed his hands in his kimono, standing a ways back. The house remained quiet a few minutes.
Then, with a great groaning, the oak door slowly opened, creaking and moaning as it did. Ryouga stepped farther back. Finally the door opened enough to reveal a small thin man. He looked at Ryouga.
"Can I help you, sir?" he questioned, wrinkling his nose at Ryouga’s dirty clothes and long, greasy, black, hair. Ryouga took another step back. Cologne poked him with her finger.
He looked back at Cologne and then mustered up the courage to speak to the clean little servant. "I…I came to see Akane-san." he answered. The servant looked Ryouga over once more, raising an eyebrow in disgust.
"Does the mistress know you are coming?" he questioned. Ryouga looked at Cologne. The old woman hopped forward. She looked at the thin little man.
"I traveled all the way from China to get here. You go in and get her, or else I come in myself, using brute force." She answered, angrily. The servant looked Cologne over.
"A threat from you, Madam?" he snorted. Cologne narrowed her eyes at him. He straightened . "I’ll see what I can do." he answered and turned, closing the door behind him.
The seconds turned to minutes and finally the door reopened. The thin servant stood there. "Mistress Tendo does not wish to be disturbed. Good day." He said, then he began to shut the heavy oak door. Cologne frowned. She hopped off her staff, twirled it and stuck it in the doorway. The servant looked down at her, bewildered.
"This isn’t a matter of choice." Cologne coldly said. "We’ve come to see Akane, and we will see her." Mousse took a step forward, narrowing his eyes at the servant. Ryouga looked at the two surprised. The servant frowned and held his head up.
"I’m sorry, but Lord Kuno himself asked that they not be disturbed. I will not disobey them." he retorted. Cologne laughed harshly.
"I’m not asking YOU to disobey them…" she answered. With that, Mousse took another step forward. As he moved, he took his hands from his kimono. His fingers were tightly clenched in fists, but that wasn’t what made the servants eyes widen.
Strapped to each of Mousses wrists were gloves, and to each of the gloves, fingers extended long razor sharp claws. Mousses eyes glinted in the dying sunlight as he advanced towards the servant. The thin man swallowed hard and stepped back, scared. Mousse laughed and kicked the door in.

Only a few minutes later it was said and done. Ryouga stood in the foyer of the great house, awing at the wealth poured into the home. Mousse wiped his hands together and glanced behind him, at his handiwork. The thin little servant had been tied, bound, and gagged to a chair. Cologne had used an ancient Chinese technique to put him into a deep sleep. Now the three stood together in the hall of the mansion. Ryouga looked to Cologne.
"What now?" he inquired. Cologne held her staff in one hand, and pointed down the hall.
"To the courtyard." She announced. Then she walked in front and lead the way. Mousse followed and Ryouga fell into step behind.
The house seemed void of life beyond them. No other servants or people could be heard or seen. Ryouga wondered if the old ghoul even knew where she was going. Yet he dare not voice his opinion to her. They’d never make it anywhere with him leading the way. He sighed, cursing his terrible direction. He became lost in inward thought and did not see Mousse stop in front of him. He accidentally walked into the semi-blind man.
"Sorry…" he muttered, looking up. Mousse put a finger to his mouth and signified silence. Ryouga blinked and looked out.
Before him, separated by a wall of glass, Tatewaki and Akane sat, enjoying the cool breeze blowing into the courtyard. Akane sat, dipping her feet in the deep pond, and Tatewaki stood behind her looking at the clouds drift by above them. Ryouga’s heart fluttered.
"A happily married couple." He sickeningly though.
And though there was no reason for jealously he could not keep the flush of color from his cheeks, or keep his hands from balling into fists. His breathing slowed, rhythmically, as he fought down the bile taste arising in the back of his throat.
Both Mousse and Cologne were already tired of watched. Cologne stepped forward and used her staff to open the glass door. It silently swung out onto the expensive imported Italian titles that covered the courtyard. She stepped out into the spacious area, followed by Ryouga and Mousse.
Akane said something unheard, and Tatewaki answered with a light laugh. She smiled, and then seemed to sense their presence. Turning her head, she took the three weary travelers in. Her hand flew to her mouth in an unheard gasp. Tatewaki, noticing Akane’s sudden change in attitude, turned as well. He immediately stepped before Akane, putting himself between her and the imposing threat.
"What?" Tatewaki cried, alarmed. "How is it that these people stand before me in my own home, uninvited!?"
Ryouga stepped forward, boldly. "I’ve come to see Akane-san." he informally answered. Akane stood, the water dripping off her legs, and peered from behind Tatewaki.
"I’m Akane." She answered, carefully. Ryouga smiled, looking at her.
The years had past and had only enhanced Akane’s splendor. She was dressed in a soft yellow skirt, cut above the knees. She wore a pale yellow and green checked scarf about her shoulders and a soft shirt, cut with a v-neck. Her hair had grown out again and she wore it down, tied with a large blue bow at the top of her head. Her face was gentle, and her features soft. She was slender, a little taller and far more graceful. Yet her eyes were vacant, having no recollection of Ryouga.
"I know that." Ryouga answered softly, smiling at her radiance. Akane’s brows came together confused. Tatewaki put his arm out.
"What do you want with Acchan?" he demanded. Ryouga winced at Tatewaki’s pet name for Akane.
"I…I…" and suddenly Ryouga became lost to the reason he’d desired to seek Akane out in the first place. Seeing her so happy, living with Tatewaki. What had he ever thought she’d see in him? His mouth remained open, thinking of the words he’d wanted to tell Akane. Nothing came to his mind.
"Well, and has time gone and affected your memory as well, Akane?" Cologne asked stepping forward. Both Tatewaki and Akane noticed Cologne for the first time. Akane put a damp hand to her cheek.
"You…you’re…" she looked at Mousse too. "Cologne and Mousse!" she exclaimed. Then she looked at Ryouga. The hair and body build had changed him, but too much had remained the same for her not to remember. "And….RYOUGA!" she cried. Her hands fell from her face, and her now delicate fingers clenched into fists, something she hadn’t done in years. "You’ve got some nerve coming here after what you pulled!" she yelled. Tatewaki stepped aside, looking at Akane confused.
"Akane-san, let me explain…" Ryouga stuttered. Akane blinked.
"Explain? What’s there to explain?" she demanded.
"I never meant to harm you!" he answered, honestly. Tatewaki stood dumbly looking at the two. Akane crossed her arms.
"Right. You…you never intended for me to find out…your little secret did you? Did you think I wouldn’t? What did you think you were doing? What POSSESED you to do something like that?!" she cried. Ryouga bowed his head. He wasn’t going to allow the tears to come. He wasn’t going to cry. He’d returned to see Akane, to apologize, and what happened from there he would take like a true man. When Akane paused, waiting for some sort of answer he said:
"I did it to make you happy."
Akane snorted, outwardly disgusted. "And do I look HAPPY to you? I would have rather you told me! I once trusted you! That trust is completely gone now!"
Ryouga looked up now. He met Akane’s eyes with his own, and took a step forward, towards her. He swallowed hard. "I came along way to get here Akane," he started.
"That’s no surprised, given your sense of direction." Akane butted in.
Ryouga sighed to himself and continued. "and I came for a reason. Ever since the day I met you…I…" he paused. "I’ve always loved you. I had to let you know. I had to know if…" he glanced at Tatewaki, standing next to Akane. "I just had to let you know…" he trailed off.
Tatewaki face faulted in the back round, while Akane looked up at Ryouga. Her face revealed no clue as to what she was thinking. "Well that’s all sweet and sentimental," she began softly. "too bad your a liar and I can’t believe a word of it!" she added rather angrily. "Just who do you think you are? Barging into the House of Kunou, without notice and making a declaration of LOVE? If I didn’t know better, I’d’ve thought you came here perhaps as a ROBBER?" she accused. She took on a mock voice. "Did da ‘widdle piggy-wiggy get wost trying to wob the Great House o’ Kunou?" Ryouga frowned. "That’s what I thought!" Akane cried. Ryouga stepped back.
"Akane-san! No! That ISN’T why I’m here!" Ryouga denied. Akane crossed her arms.
"Perhaps you want to kill me then? Kami knows why, but is that the reason? I’d like to see you TRY!" she hissed. Ryouga looked at Mousse and Cologne confused. He looked back at Akane. "Oh…did I hit a button? That’s it, ne!?" she demanded.
Ryouga shook his head no. He advanced towards Akane. "I’m telling you the truth. You can reject me, but don’t blame me for doing something I didn’t do." he softly said.
"Ryouga," Akane stated. "You expect me to believe that you traveled all the way, from WHEREVER you were, WITH Mousse and COLOGNE just to tell me that you’re in love with me?" she snorted. "A likely story. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you three were out to get me…You’ve worked with Cologne before, Hibiki-san, why not now? If she taught you some awesome new technique, then I’m certain you’d stoop this low." Akane sneered.
Ryouga was stunned. No sort of thought like that had EVER crossed his mind. He looked at Akane, and knew that he’d been wrong in coming back to Nermia to begin with. Slowly he turned away from Akane. He took a step to the door. "If that’s they way you feel about everything, I’ll go," he stopped and looked back at Akane. "but I’ll never stop loving you." he looked to Mousse and Cologne. "Lets go." he said.
"Not just yet, Foreigner." Cologne whispered. "Do not let the fight up so quickly." She added. Ryouga’s brow furrowed as he looked at the old woman.
"Fight?" Ryouga questioned, softly to himself.
Cologne turned her gaze back to Akane and Tatewaki. Ryouga, too, looked back.
"…I care not!" Tatewaki cried. Akane looked up at him.
"Let it be!" she demanded.
And even with that Tatewaki persisted. "I will not! That thing," he pointed to Ryouga. "came into my house, assaulted you, and you do not wish for me to challenge him? Acchan, I respect your judgment, but THAT cretin shall not depart from my home without-" Mousse cut him off.
"Is it a fight you desire?!" he cried. "Nothing is stopping you!" he added. Both Ryouga and Tatewaki turned to look at Mousse. He stepped back into a fighting position, facing his reflection in the glass. He blinked once. "And I see you’ve taken up you own fighting stance! Then lets fight!" he cried, rushing forward.
Both Ryouga and Tatewaki looked away as Mousse slammed himself into the glass wall. Ryouga stepped out of the doorway looking at Tatewaki. "I’ve no reason to fight you, Kuno. You’re a decent man. You’ve taken care of Akane-san this far. For that I am grateful." He answered, and started to turn away again. Tatewaki laughed darkly, and somehow his bokken was in his hand.
"I think you do not comprehend my wrath, Hibiki-san." Tatewaki scolded. "This anger inside of me flowed before your declaration to Acchan. This is over the pride of my house." He raised his bokken in front of him. "And a Great House it is. I will not allow one of your kind to enter without my consent and continue with your talk unchallenged! Now, face me! One does not disgrace the House of Kunou!" Tatewaki cried. He pointed his bokken forward. Akane looked at Tatewaki.
"Tachi-chan," she demanded. "let him leave!" Akane cried. Tatewaki looked at her.
"This affair no longer concerns you, Acchan. Step aside, lest you be injured by this filthy scum!" Tatewaki answered. Akane held her tongue angrily and stepped aside.
Ryouga looked at Tatewaki, ready to fight. "You never learn, do you, Kuno?" he questioned. Tatewaki waved his hand.
"Silence! We fight!" he cried, and then he leaned into his bokken, and charged Ryouga. "DIE!"
Ryouga looked at Tatewaki charging him. "If that’s the way you wanna play!" he merely said, and then leapt into the air, soaring over Tatewaki, and landing on the other side. The bokken-wielding man turned, mortified as Ryouga soared over him. Ryouga kicked his heel up and dropped into a fighting stance. Tatewaki growled, and charged again. Once more Ryouga flew overhead. Again Tatewaki howled as Ryouga flew past him. He landed and looked at Tatewaki.
"And have you now progressed into the footsteps of Saotome? Your mid air combat is much improved!" Tatewaki snarled. Ryouga laughed.
"Perhaps!" he replied. Tatewaki this time, did not charge.
"Then it is time we fight like men!" he stated. With that, he rushed forward once more. Ryouga, growing bored of Tatewaki’s lame attacks, leapt up and propelled himself to the other side. Tatewaki, however had more planned.
Ryouga’s arms flew out to stabilize himself, but before he could, he hit the ground. Tatewaki laughed and landed. The two had contacted mid-air, and Ryouga, not expecting Tatewaki to be attacking in flight, took the hit head on.
Ryouga rubbed his arm where Tatewaki had hit him with the bokken. He cursed, and got to his feet. "That’s it, Kuno!" he cried. Then he charged Tatewaki.
Kuno countered with his bokken. Ryouga nimbly dodged it and swept at Tatewaki’s feet, hopping to knock him down. Unfortunately, Ryouga did not expect Tatewaki to be any better than he was when they last fought. He was. Tatewaki knew Ryouga’s strategy and he leapt up so Ryouga’s foot didn’t contact anything. Tatewaki landed, and as Ryouga finished his sweeping kick, Tatewaki brought his bokken down on Ryouga’s spine.
Ryouga flipped to his rear, and kicked his foot up swiftly, blocking the attacking bokken before it could paralyze him. Holding the wooden sword with the soles of his shoes, Ryouga hissed. He kicked his feet back, throwing Tatewaki. He hopped to his feet, and hastily untied his head band. He held the end and swung it wildly. Soon the bandanna blurred into a whirling space of dark blue. He hurled it at Tatewaki.
Seeing the approaching projectile, Tatewaki raised his sword to bat the thing off. The bandanna zoomed by, and sliced right through the wooden bokken. Kuno immediately dropped his end of the sword and fell to the floor. The bandanna whizzed past him. Ryouga suppressed a laugh as he approached Tatewaki. He stood before Tatewaki, and the older man looked up. Ryouga kicked him.
"Get up." He demanded. Tatewaki grabbed the severed point of his bokken, and leapt to his feet, swinging his arm in a wide arc. Ryouga sensed the attacking bokken and raised his forearm to block. The piece of wood made a harsh crack as it and Ryouga’s arm met. Ryouga winced a little, but took no time for pain. He twisted his arm, and grabbed Tatewaki’s wrist. Then he used his momentum and leaned forward, hurling Tatewaki over his head, and towards the courtyards brick wall.
Kuno hit the wall, stirring the concrete stabs a bit. He fell to the ground, and laid on the tile. Ryouga took a breath, and looked at Tatewaki.
"Tachi-chan!" Akane cried, rushing forward, towards the fallen combator.
"Ryouga looked at Akane a bit put off. "Perhaps she does love him." Ryouga thought. Before Akane reached Tatewaki though, he sat up, and with a mere flick of the wrist he hurled the point of the bokken at Ryouga.
Ryouga didn’t have time to react to the bokken, and the edge of it nailed him in the side. It did not penetrate skin, but it knocked Ryouga off his feet, and send him into the fetal position, if only for a moment.
It was just that moment Tatewaki got his bearings, flew to his feet and prepared to finish Ryouga off. It was painfully obvious that this battle raged beyond Kuno’s pride in his house. Though neither would ever admit it, this was a rematch for the fight that had transpired between the two, five years ago. Ryouga recovered quicker than he should have, and as he got to his feet, Tatewaki plowed into him. Ryouga’s eyes darkened and he felt faint. He hit the tile, cracking it. This was a battle over Akane, and over each mans personal pride.
Tatewaki straddled Ryouga and gave him a solid punch in the gut. Ryouga coughed, and tried to grabbed Tatewaki’s wrist, but his reflexes were too slow, nulled by the hit. Tatewaki laughed, and grabbed Ryouga’s hand, he twisted it, and used his left hand to punch Ryouga again.
Ryouga felt the world beginning to go black. How could he lose to TATEWAKI? He blinked trying to clear his vision. His head rolled to the side, and he saw Akane standing there, looking on as Tatewaki beat him up. Her hands were held firmly clenched at her side, and she bit her lower lip. He blinked once, and looked at Tatewaki again. Finally he closed his eyes, knowing he’d have no reason to live now that Akane had truly chosen Kuno, and that she hated him. He felt Tatewaki hit him again. His head lolled to the side, and his eyes opened once more, focusing on Akane.
This time she was looking at him, and he saw…was it pity? in her eyes. Then Tatewaki knocked him up side the head and he momentarily lost consciousness.

Akane watched Tatewaki beat Ryouga to a bloody pulp, and it was bloody. She knew that Tatewaki’s wrath was over more than his house, and she couldn’t help but wonder if what Ryouga had said was true. As Tatewaki hit Ryouga she turned to look at him as well. She couldn’t bring herself to stop Tatewaki, yet…she felt something for Ryouga. She’d known him for so long before she’d learned his curse. And he’d never seemed-...and then his head turned and he looked at her. She looked back at him, and for a moment, when their eyes met, she knew he had been truthful, and that now, he was looking at her one last time, before he submitted himself to Death. Tatewaki whammed him up side the head with the butt of a new bokken, and Ryouga’s eyes squeezed tightly shut, and then relaxed. Akane hissed, and came alive.
She sprang forward, reaching into the depths of Hammerspace, an old but not forgotten place of hidden mallets. She grabbed a perfect sided mallet, one she’d clobbered Kuno with many times before. Advancing forward she swung and cried out:
"I thought I told you not to bully the WEAK!"
Kuno’s hands went out with the 1st and 4th fingers extended, his eyes turned spiral and he collapsed.
Akane looked at her handiwork, and she dropped her mallet, softly taking her elder sisters saying, she whispered: "Oh my."
Behind her, Cologne cackled happily.

To Be Concluded…

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