And this is a page dedicated to my gallery of people who, in one way or another, give me inspiration ... people who I can look to say, "My Hero!"

Please click here to learn more about Mrs. Roosevelt

Chinatown Staff and Workers Association


Dag Hammarskjold


Aung San Suu Kyi

Bertrand Russell

In special honor of Bella Abzug, who died March 31, 1998.


Victor Jara, murdered by Pinochet in the infamous soccer stadium.

Phil Ochs, the greatest folk singer of the 1960s, if you ask me!
Tom Paxton's heartfelt tribute to his old friend Phil Ochs, who committed suicide on Apr 7, 1976.

Lyrics as recorded by Tom Paxton on "Heroes" (Vanguard VMD 79411-2, 1978)

I opened the paper, there was your picture,
Gone, gone, gone by your own hand.
I couldn't believe it, the paper was shakin', Gone, gone, gone by your own hand.

I know I'm gonna spend the rest of my lifetime wonderin' why
You found yourself so badly hurt you had to die.
I opened the paper, there was your picture,
Gone, gone, gone by your own hand.

The phone started ringin, "Had I heard about it?" --
I shook every time I heard it ring.
"What was my reaction?" -- I put the phone down,
That was the only news that was fit to sing.

They asked about Dylan, about MacDougal Street and Third,
Question piled on question, and each question more absurd.
Oh, I opened the paper, there was your picture,
Gone, gone, gone by your own hand.

Oh, I remember "There But For Fortune,"
there but for fortune you and I would go.
Fortune turned its back on you,
Or so it must have seemed to you --
Christ alone knows what was the final blow.

The last time I saw you, the last time I saw you,
Bleecker Street outside the "Other End".
I told you I'd see you -- I got distracted --
I never saw your face again.

I heard that you were feeling stronger every day,
I heard that you were well, with good things on the way --
Then I opened the paper, there was your picture,
Gone, gone, gone by your own hand.

Oh, I remember "There But For Fortune,"
there but for fortune you and I would go.
Fortune turned its back on you,
Or so it must have seemed to you --
Christ alone knows what was the final blow.

The last time I saw you, the last time I saw you,
Bleecker Street outside the "Other End".
I told you I'd see you -- I got distracted --
I never saw your face again.

I heard that you were feeling stronger every day,
I heard that you were well, with good things on the way --
Then I opened the paper, there was your picture,
Gone, gone, gone by your own hand.