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Now Playing Coke.mid
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This little virtual world of mine have all the special selected stuff like information about Malaysia, Sarawak, Web Publishing , Animated GIFs and Excellent midi files. For those visitors interested in knowing more about Malaysia and Sarawak (also known as Borneo), you've found the right place. All details about tours, accommodation, interesting places are listed here. And if not, links to those useful information will be provided. Just scroll around to discover how much you can find in here.

For those interested in creating a web page, animated GIFs or icons, you definitely have to check them out here. There are over hundreds of icons and animated GIFs to download. Famous chinese midi songs are available too to enhance your web page.

I'm glad you dropped by and feel free to send me an email for comments and suggestion to improve this page. Feel free to wander around and enjoy yourself.

This page is maintained by Dennis Wong. (Member of the HTML Guild)

Last Updated on 03/03/98

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