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missingThere are some people in the anime world that really don't like hentai, so I decided to put in my two cents for all of you that want to read it.
Have I ever seen any hentai anime? Yeah, I have. I don't make judgements about something until I've seen it.
Do I like hentai? Not really, bad plots, and lots of multiple organs aren't really my thing, althought it is good for some laughs at times.
Am I against it? No, not at all. Free country! If you aren't hurting anyone then do what you want, and if that happens to be watching animated characters have sex then be my guest.
I look at hentai more objectively then the next person I guess. I see where it's coming from in the japanese society(well at least I think I do).
All I have to really say is, If you don't like hentai don't watch it! It's that simple, don't bitch about it, don't make judgements on people who watch it that you don't even know. It's not hurting you, so don't worry. All you guys that watch hentai, be my guest, I don't mind and I don't really care.

Thanks for listening, Anita
If you don't agree with me, then fine but don't email me and bitch I can't be bothered to deal with that!

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