The Martial Art that Trains People Physically and Mentally

Here I am in company of two great friends and
fellow Instrutors of Taekwondo in the 2º Belt
Testing in Verdizela.
From left to right in the photo:
Walid Saleh 2BR (Dan) Trainee Instrutor.
Nuno Allen 2BR (Dan) Trainee Instrutor.
This Belt Testing had the participation of other
Trainee Instrutors and a few peoples of my Senior Instrutor,
Mr José P. Reyes 4BD (Dan) Certif. Instrutor

Here you have more two fellow Instrutors in a Board Break demonstration:

This sequence, shows my demonstration in one test of Board Breaking that we participate in one Taekwondo Tournemant in Lisbon.
4 boards of 30x30x2,5cm with a right reverse punch. Not bad hem!?

Here you have another ATA and WTTU Links that you should visit. Must of them need to be updated, but any way you should try to visit them :


Last Updated 2007-March-25

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