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We are missionaries with OMF International churchplanting in Sendai.
last updated on 1 March 2003

ballAbout us
ballAbout our work
ballHistorical background to the church in Japan
ballUnreached groups in Japan
ballSome funny experiences
ballOur latest newsletter
ballPHOTOSnew we'll soon be putting new photos here: look again soon!
ballUpdated news and prayer items
church bulletin logo
ballMap to our house
ballMap to church
ballRead the bible through in a yearnew

ballTwo ways to live--the choice we all face
ballI need to overcome my doubts
ballWorld Wide Study Bible
ballSix reasons why you should not get a divorce
ballSeven reasons why you shouldn't commit suicide
ballWhat strong Christians believe(Westminister Shorter/ Heidelberg Catechism)
ballWeb links of interest

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. (John 3:16).

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try to provide something everyone and some people only look for mistakes
But seriously, any wrong information or broken links please let us know.
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