Gimme Gimme Gimme!


The first 10 people who e-mail me that they saw this contest win a stamp. Send an address for me to mail it to you. If you're someone I know, I'll give it to you personally. (Unless you'd rather not be associated with me.)


The first 5 people to know who the 3 kings of the Smurfs are or were, also win something. (To be decided on later.) I'll still need your address; it helps in my 2nd job as a stalker.
Actually, I've already decided what the prize is, but as Jokey Smurf would say, `it's a surprise!'


The first person to identify the actual jokes for each of the punchlines on the punchline page wins a WHOLE QUARTER! Not that that will pay for the deep psychological counseling you'll probably need...


The first 10 people who come up with a good idea for a contest get the satisfaction of knowing they made a contribution to the world. And isn't that better than any filthy lucre?

A while ago I won a game of Bingo and got a prize. This isn't really a contest, but I didn't know where else to mention it.
I won two free Snapples last month too!

A Look D-e-e-p Into Eick's Psyche

When I was a kid, I actually won one of those major prizes on a cereal box. It was Honeycombs cereal. I won the grand prize, the treasure chest full of toys and games, retail value $500, which was a lot for a kid in the 70's. The company didn't give it to me though, because the contest had expired two days earlier. They didn't even send a coupon for 50 cents off my next box of Honeycombs. It took me 15 years to eat that cereal again. I'm still hurting.

Guess what number I'm thinking of.
Nope, it was seventeen. If you had visited my great numbers link, you might've guessed. Too bad!

Okay, that's enough, ya greedy louts. Click here to return to the poor little place I call homepage.

Updated 28 Dec 00. Use these numbers the next time you play the lottery.