Here are a variety of parodies. Either sung by your favorite Lion King characters, for them, or just about them.

Click on the link below and it will take you to the very first parody I have ever done. I don't take credit in all of the parodies for the tempo of the music. I also don't take credit for some of the lyrics. I adapt them.

This first one is done to the tune of the Beatles 'Yellow Submarine', which I aptly named Serengheti Plain.

This next one is done to the tune 'Lola' by the Kinks. As you may have guessed, it is abut our favorite lioness, Nala.

This parody is done to the tune 'Da Do Run Run' by the Crystals (request this song on your local Oldies station to hear it). I renamed it after our favorite hornbill, Zazu Didn't Run Run.

This next one is done to the tune 'Denise' By Randy and the Rainbows (again call in a request). I renamed it Shenzi.

This one is true to my heart, or favorite song, 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight' By The Tokens First one. I renamed it Timon's Bug Huntin' Tonight.

Okay, this next parody is for another favorite lioness. It is done to the tune, 'Lady Madonna' By the Beatles. It renamed it Lady Sarafina 'nuf said?

Okay, this nesxt one I kept the origninal name. I didn't need to change it, it fit so well with the content. The name of this song is There's a Kind of Hush by Hermin's Hermits (again, request!).

Here we go, probably my greates masterpiece (next to 'Nala'), I'm not here to brag about my songs, wait, never mind. This song is done to the tune of 'Save the Last Dance for Me' by the Drifters (request), I renamed Save the Last Piece For Me.

Ah, another of my foavorite songs. 'Bits and Pieces' By the Dave Clark Five Second song on the page with the same name.

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