Welcome to my site dedicated to Country Singer GARY ALLAN.
    He is starting to take off like a  rocket. I        guess  people are finally catching on to what     a great singer/performer he really is. I have      only been a Gary fan for a couple years now.        " Smoke rings in the dark" was the first         song I heard him sing. That was all it took to    get me hooked. I have collected all his CD's to  date. I am a member of his Fan Club. I             already have my tickets for July 3rd. I bought   them the day they were released to sell. I          have seen him once before but I had to stand    through the whole concert. Now I have front      row seats. I'll let you know how it turns out.
I   can't wait to meet and greet him. He seems   to be pretty laid back. At the first concert he     was  drinking a beer while he performed. I        think he had as much fun as the audience did . He is definitely an "Alright Guy".
Here are the links to my other Gary     Allan pages.
For more pictures of Gary here
  is a link to my Webshots Gallery