It all started one cold day in March.
I was walking around Azusa,CA looking for food and a place to stay when this man that smelled like dogs and sweat jumped out of his white van.
I ran under a house, I think, I can't remember.

But I do remember peeing on him when he picked me up.
I bounced around in this van with some other dogs for what must have been miles.
It was a small, wire cage with paper that was at least a month old.
When I came in, all of the other dogs were barking, making noise, but I just wanted find a nice dark place and hide. I don't like loud noises.
I must have been there for weeks.
I wished for a nice place to lay on some days, most days though, I just wanted to kill the dog next to me, he talks in his sleep, during the day, in afternoon, and at night.
One day, the last week of March, or April,
it could have been June, a guy walked by my cage and put a red, I think it was red, leash and collar on my cage.
The dog next to me told me that it was nice to have met me.
I didn't know what he meant, but hid in my favorite corner just in case.
About an hour later, the same guy patted my head and said,
"Just 15 more minutes. I'll wait just 15 more minutes. " And he walked away.
The next thing I know, I was in a car, in the lap of a really nice human.



You only have one life. Get a dog and live a little.