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Xavier News

Senate Candidates

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Thurs, Oct 14, 1982

Senate Responsibilities
Candidate views: Todd Brennan

The most complete way I have ever heard to express my views on Senate responsibilities is this story told at a National Honor Society induction:

"There was a farmer who was in need of an extra hand at harvest, so when a young man applied the farmer asked him one question: 'Why should I hire you?' The young man replied that he could 'sleep when the wind blows.' He was a personable fellow so the farmer hired him.

Many weeks later a storm blew in and the young man could not be found. When the farmer rushed out to prepare for the storm he found everything was complete and the young man slept quietly in the barn. Only then did the farmer understand what the man had said.

This is my promise: to draw from my past and utilize it to never be caught off guard in representing Xavier students.

Todd Brennan
Xavier News
Student Senate election article
Thursday, October 14, 1982
(145 words)

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