Dylan's Profile
Name: Dylan

Original French name:

Species: European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

Origin: Serge Danot's Dylan (or in this case, Flappy) was Spanish in origin. As with all his characters, Eric Tompson gave Dylan a British accent. I like to believe that Dylan's family emigrated from Spain to Britain..possibly his grandparents. Yeah. I think too much into things.

Eyes: Brown

Fur: Brown with grey-silver tufts.

Clothing: Blue jeans, yellow jumper, blue vest. Old Dylan wore gloves and shoes, while new Dylan goes natural.
Age: No clue. I've always assumed that Dylan is in his late teens-early twenties. One thing for sure, he's the youngest of the Garden's critters.

First apperance: 'Dylan Decides to Stay a While'. Dylan was the last of the characters to be added to the main cast. He arrived when the Magic Roundabout was shown in colour.

Musical abilities: Dylan, as he stated when he arrived in the Garden, plays music by ear, meaning he doesn't read music, he just goes for it and hopes for the best. So far, we know Dylan can not only play the guitar he carries around everywhere with him, but he can also play the trumpet and the bagpipes. Yeah.
Diet: Like all rabbits, Dylan is mostly vegetarian by nature (see the wild rabbit section if you're saying mostly? what does she mean, mostly?). From the old show, Dylan's favorite foods were spaghetti (made himself), mushrooms (of the magical variety), beans (jumping ones), carrots, lettuce and, of course, grass.

Sleeping: Yes, Dylan likes to sleep. Alot. See my section on Narcolepsy, which I am sure Dylan suffers from. It seems that 80% of the time Dylan is in an episode, he is sleeping. No doubt, he can fall asleep while he's already asleep.

Other skills: Dylan has shown more skills than just in his music. In the show he has been a painter, cook,  hairdresser and sculptor. OK, so all of these things kind of...fell through, but Dougal was always involved, so we can blame him. He can also juggle. The CGI movie revealed that Dylan was also trained in 'kung-fu, karate, judo, kendo, tai-kwan-do, anything-you-can-do and tai-chi'. For a rabbit, that's pretty impressive. Then again, if anyone has been kicked by a rabbit that means it (and, believe me, I have) it HURTS.

Dylan's brain: Even if Dylan is seen as a bit of a useless joke of nature to his friends, Dylan has got a good head on his shoulders. Okay, so most of the time he is too busy sleeping to use his mind, but when he needs to, he shows his intelect amazingly well. In one of the many 'Beans' episodes, he figured out he could avoid running after the jumping beans by simply goging to sleep with his mouth open, allowing the beans to leap into his mouth. In the CGI movie, he quickly figured out that he could stitch together the gang's tents and attach them to Train's funnel, creating a hot air baloon.

Dylan the hippie: Yes, Dylan is most definately a hippie. He believes in peace, karma and all things good. I go into much more detail of his hippie nature in the hippie section of the site. Like, peace, man, peace.

Rethinking the rabbit image: From the rabbit's own mouth. Dylan doesn't 'do' normal rabbit things. He doesn't hop around, he doesn't twitch his nose, he doesn't dig holes. Dylan takes great pride in this, he sleeps alot, he climbs trees. He does as many un-rabbit-like things as he can. He dares to be different, something you have to applaud him for.

THAT subject: Okay, this is a taboo, but no Dylan site can ignore it. The Magic Roundabout was renouned for it's subtle drug refrences, with Dylan at the forefront of the accusations. All the people involved in the shows creation denied all of it, of course, but even the CGI movie has them. It wouldn't be the Magic Roundabout without them. Dylan does, indeed, enjoy his grass and magic mushrooms. Let's face it, if Dylan didn't have his constantly stoned apperance, he wouldn't be the same bunny we know and love.

Namesake: Eric Tompson re-named Flappy 'Dylan', after the legendary folk singer, Bob Dylan. Bob (born Robert Allen Zimmerman) was famed for writing and singing songs which followed politics, social comemntary and the like. His songs included 'Times They Are A-Changing', 'Mr Tambourine Man' and 'Knockin' on Heaven's Door'. Quite a hippie himself, and guitar player extrodinarie, I doubt Thompson could have found a better namesake for the British version of our hippie, folk-singing rabbit.
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