Though apperance-wise, Train hasn't changed alot in the transition between stock-motion and CGI, everything else has changed drastically. For instance, in the stock-motion, Train was female, whereas the CGI Train is male. Mad, that. As seen as this is the case, I shall treat them as seperate trains, to save confusion.
The stock-motion Train was moody and huffy. She saw herself as the ONLY form of transport in the Garden, and woe betide anyone who tried to create an alternaltive. Unlike the CGI Train, when Train spoke, the other characters could hear her, and boy, DID they!.
The CGI Train is alot more cheerfull. He's an optimistic sort, and finds wonder in everything around him.  The other characters CAN'T hear his comments, which gives him the opportunity for some great one-liners. This Train loved transporting the gang on their quest, even if he got nervy when he was left alone. If it weren't for Train's speed, the gang would have never escaped Zeebad and his bigger, meaner, mole-train.
On Dylan, the CGI Train found a friend. Dylan is the only character to actually TALK to Train as if he were a living being. He's a sensitive one, that rabbit. In return, he got a great amount of loyalty from Train.
The stock-motion Train disliked Dylan. But she dislked everyone, so that's nothing special.
Train quotes
"I can I can't"
"Mind. The. Gap...Mmm....MIND THE GAP!!!!"
"I want no busses on MY patch!"
"I have right of way!!!"
"He's about as calm as an elephant stampede"
"Anything not in will be left behind. If I'm any later, I'll be blacklisted"
"Whatnot, I will NOT carry"
"The flyinf Scot was never like this.."
"Always ready - never late"
"I've never seen anything like ti in all my puff!"
"Beaten by a snail! I'll never be able to show my face in Crewe again!"
"I wonder if they know where we're going? I wonder if they know that I don't know where we're going? What a ridiculous train of thought"
"I'm freezing my nuts and bolts off here"
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