The Magic Roundabout:
The Stock-Motion Show
Everything has to start SOMEWHERE, and the Magic Roundabout started in France, under the name 'Le Manege Enchante'.. Created by Serge Danot (1931-1990) in 1963 for French TV. Donot teamed up with Ivor Wood (famous for Paddington Bear,The Wombles, Bertha and Postman Pat), to produce the show. The Magic Roundabout episodes were filmed in a run-down Paris house, each episode being around 5 minutes long, with each character having his or her own voice actor.
The BBC had rejected this show many times, denoting it 'Too Weird' before finally deciding to take it on in 1965, under the condition that it could be altered so the British audience could understand it...just how weird WAS the original?, one has to ask. Eric Tompson, a Playschool presenter at the time, was given the task of changing the shows content to suit a British audience. Tompson did this by simply turning off the sound and creating his own scripts for the episodes, doing so with a machine he had to run with foot pedals. Unlike the original French version, Tompson himself voiced all the characters, be they male, female, or snail (which are both, incidentally).
The Magic Roundbout was shown in the five-minute slot before the 6 o'clock News, and so was watched by both adults and children alike. Children loved the pretty colours and bizare animals, while the adults loved the dry British humor. The Magic Roundabout soon became the Nations second favorite show, right after the News, at it's peak, the Magic Roundabout had over eight million viewers.
In 1992, some 'forgotten' episodes were found. These were translated by Nigel Planner and shown on Channel 4. The show became popular with students for it's mil drug inudenoes and supposed 'political debates'. The catch phrase uttered at the end of every episode by Zebedee 'Time for bed', sent million of children duitifully off to bed. Myself and my older brother included.
Nigel Planner
Serge Danot
Eric Tompson
Yes, I am aware I don't have a picture of Ivor Wood, I am looking for one though.
Original French Names
Dylan - Flappy
Dougal - Pollux
Ermintrude - Azalée
Brian - Ambroise
Florence - Margotte
Mr Rusty - Le Père Pivoine
Zebedee - Zebulon
The Jasper Carrott Parody
Transcripts Coming soon!
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