Dave Matthews Band
April 21, 1994
Verterans Memorial Coliseum
Winston-Salem, NC

Phish Opener

Taper:	Brad and Larry	 
Source: SBD->DAT
Source:	AKG 460 Cards->XLR's->Power Supply->XLR"S->1/4's->TEAC->DAT
From:	Front Row Center on 15 ft pole 

DAT>CD:	Linda Webster

CD>SHN:	Andrew Knowles
Equip:	Matshita CR-5850->EAC->MKW (All Tracks 100%)  

01:	Recently			-	07:58
02:	Satellite			-	05:12
03:	Tripping Billies		-	04:32
04:	Rhyme & Reason			-	09:04
05:	Two Step->			-	05:46
06:	Ants Marching			-	06:35

-DMB+Phish during Phish's Encore-

07:	Fishman and Beauford Jam->	-	22:00!!!
	All Along The Watchtower
			       d1totals	-	61:07	
	-Show Notes-  

My disc was the master made by Linda from her master DAT. 
A big thanks goes out to her for digging this up. She didn't remember
having the DMB opener, just the following Phish sets but checked 
anyway. This is the only source of this show I have ever been able to 
find. She is the best.

Note: The jam and Watchtower from the Phish set was re-shortened from 
the discs I got from her. The Phish set had been shortened, DMB's had 
not. All tracks were %100 at both levels but the Phish tracks have been
shn'd twice:(

compiled by Andrew Knowles on 03-05-01 (Let It Snow)

    Source: geocities.com/todd_29201