Teasers . . . a sign of things to come?  Maybe, maybe not.  Here you can preview some things that I'm thinking of posting on fanfiction.net.  Feedback for these would be very nice.  And don't even think of stealing my ideas . . . I'll hunt you down, I swear . . .
Gundam Wing
Current Title- Sway
Rating: R . . . maybe NC-17
Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4x3, 13x5x13 and a lot more
Summary: Heero Yuy, accused of murdering Relena Peacecraft seven years ago, escapes from prision to clear his name and kidnaps Duo Maxwell along the way.  Duo falls for Yuy and teams up with Agent Chang Wufei and others to find the real killer, who has something sinister in store for our braided hero . . .
Author's Comments: My first whodunit!!  I've got most of it worked out and I like this, so this isn't really an if . . . it's more of a when.

Harry Potter/ Gundam Wing X-Over
Current Title: Dark Angel (??)
Harry Potter/Duo Maxwell
When the Gundam Wing boys move into 12 Grimmuald Place in the yr A.C. 198 and stummble onto the world of magic . . . and into the past with the aid of a man who calls himself James and the ghost of Dumbledore . . .
Author's Comment:
I really want to do this, but I'm not sure when.

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Harry Potter
Current Title: It's All In the Cards
Rating: Unknown
Pairing: Unknown
Summary: When a freak accident occurs in Harry's Divination class, Trelawney's Sight is transfered to Harry . . . and multiplied tenfold!  As Harry explores his newfound powers, he becomes fond of tarot card reading. After praticing his new hobby on his friends, Ron and Seamus get the bright idea of setting up their very own business in which Harry reads the cards of any Hogwarts student . . . who's willing to pay, of course.  What good (or bad) will come of this?

For what inspired this fic, check out my Live Journal.