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MELANIE KIPP - South Charleston, West Virginia USA

Melanie is a passionate and wonderful photographer. She enjoys taking macro shots of anything and everything. She is very accomplished at shooting flowers and also enjoys making and taking digital photographs at the State Capitol Building in Charleston.

"Cemeteries have wonderful structural details that are begging to be seen. Typically they are deserted so one doesn't worry about people or other structures cluttering your shots. I have only been photographing oin them a little over one year... ever since I discovered "The Hand"...


GALLERY - Click the images below to see larger photographs

From Beyond - This was taken over a year ago at a local cemetary using a Sony Macvica FD 73, set to Fine & Sepia modes. Hand held (ha ha). I have since returned to the same locale to reshoot the composition 3 times.... but this is NO WHERE to be found. I have literally walked the entire cemetary several times. Makes me wonder... did someone steal it? Was it a prop for some movie and has since been removed? Or should I really be worrying about my sanity???
Time Gone By - My first offering of infrared photography. Olympus C-2100 UZ with IR filter. Camera set to B&W mode. This is Spring Hill Cemetery which is very old and set high on a mountain overlooking the Capitol City of West Virginia. Taken at approx. 7 PM, as the sun was setting. I have read there is more infrared light early in the morning and late in the evenings.
"Stump" Family Plot - Another IR shot with the Olympus with the IR filter. It`s amazing the sense of humor some people have. This is an actual grave marker at Spring Hill Cemetery. Of course, the Sir name of this family was "Stump"!

Melanie's Links:

Caught In Time Photography - Melanie's Online Gallery

Pixi Port Gallery; Digital Samples at ClubPhoto; Shutter City Gallery; Olympus Flower Gallery

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