As interest in Toad has dropped, I felt less and less obligated to update this page. If anyone wants to take over this page, please e-mail me (at the bottom of the box) and let me know. I'll gladly hand it over, as long as you can show that you DO have the brainpower to run a webpage.


Hey everyone! Welcome to the temp Toad Estrogen Brigade homepage. Until our listmom and webmistress shows up, this will be place to find all the latest Toad images, fan-fiction, and much much more.

This site is dedicated to the absolutely adorable Toad, from one of this summer's hottest movies X-Men. You'll also find images of Ray Park, the man behind the 12-foot-tongue. (*happy sigh* I want one. Please, can I have one?)


Contact the current webmistress at

Toad doesn't belong to us. (We wish he did...) He actually belongs to this small little company named Marvel.. or something... and to some dinky little film place named 20th Century Fox... Maybe you've heard of them? (Note: Yes, that was sarcasm.) Ray Park doesn't belong to us either. (*sad sigh* That would be nice if we did though.) This site is for entertainment purposes (*wink wink* Know what I mean?) and we aren't making any money off of it. (Yah, I know, by now you're asking yourself, "So whats the point??" Heck if I know. :) We just like Toad. Isn't that enough?)

Movie Toad Picture Gallery

Classic Toad Picture Gallery

Toad Fan-fiction

Ray Park

Toad Fan Art



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