In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

To Find Islam
Promoting education and understanding of Islam since 2004...

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An Introduction to Islam

A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam

So...What is Islam?

Whatever you think, Whatever you Believe In There is No Harm In Searching For The Truth And Studying Islam.

Islam, A World Civilization

Islamic History in Arabia and the Middle East

Internet Islamic History Sourcebook

The Five Pillars of Islam / The Articles of Faith

Introduction to the Articles and Pillars of Islam

The Five Pillars of Islam

  1. Shahadah
  2. Salah
  3. Zakah
  4. Sawm
  5. Hajj

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The Qur'an

Qur'an: A Teacher to Modern Scientists

Listen to the Qur'an
(This is really great if you need help with pronouncing words in Arabic.)

You can also listen to the Qur'an on this site

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The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.)

The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)

Prophet's Biography by a Muslim

Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.)

Who is Muhammad?
12 Proofs of Prophethood

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Eid Ul Adha/Eid Ul Fitr

How to perform the rituals of Hajj and Umrah

Hajj Requirements (Health)

Glossary of Hajj related Terms

Explaining Ramadan

Ramadan and Fasting

Moonsighting Information

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Muslimahs/Women in Islam

Modern Muslima

Muslimah Connection
Many thanks to Sister Umm Ahmad for suggesting this link!   :-)

Resources for and about Muslim Women

Women in Islam versus Women in the Judeo-Christian Tradition:
The Myth
The Reality

Women's Liberation Through Islam

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Converts (Or those who are thinking about Converting)

"Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from error.  Whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold that never breaks.  And Allah hears and knows all things."

--The Quran 2:256

Advice for New Muslims or those considering Islam

Guide to Islam For New Muslims

How to become a Muslim

I Want to embrace Islam but...

New Muslim Corner

  • Learn Al Fatiha for your prayers (in Arabic).  You can do this by:
    1. Reading a transliteration,

    2. Listening to Al Fatiha being recited in Arabic.

    3.    (You will need a RealPlayer
             for this link.)

  • Salat
       (You will need Flash
           for this link.)

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Stories of and by Muslim Converts

  1. Stories of Muslim Converts
  2. Stories of Muslim Converts
  3. Stories of Muslim Converts
  4. Stories of Muslim Converts
  5. Stories of Muslim Converts
               (Tara's World of Islam)

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News and Information



Islam Online

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Promoting education and understanding of Islam since 2004...

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