Sustainable Development, the Constitution and what you can do:

Advance Bulletin: A Publication of Freedom 21 Santa Cruz
Sustainable Development, the Constitution and what you can do by Michael Shaw

Achieving Abundance Ecology requires a direct relationship between man and the land, Abundance Ecologist Michael Shaw said in a presentation to the Trans-Heritage Association annual meeting and conference in Alpine Texas in May 2003. Shaw speaks from experience, having received acclaim for creating an ecological oasis from a weedy 75-acre parcel on the central coast of California -- what he calls "Liberty Garden."

"To release the potential productivity and diversity of a landscape, an owner must be free to engage in rigorous disturbance, and free to pursue a reasoned and creative process of trial and error. This process would be suited to the choice of each individual and the uniqueness of each property," Shaw said. Read some key excerpts from Shaw's presentation to the Trans-Texas Heritage Association.

Sustainable Developers invade Santa Cruz County

Freedom 21 Santa Cruz outlines local Wildlands and Smart Growth programs and shows how they are being implemented through state and federal government agency directives. The Wildlands programs use government regulations to wrest control of rural lands away from private property owners. Smart Growth is a term used to describe high density commercial and residential development built within walking distance to rails and work. You will find similar programs developing in your community. It is not just property owners that are under attack. It is also your safety and freedom that is at stake.

Federal agency using fire code to attempt land grab by Nick Vrolyk

Habitat Conservation Plans (HCP) have two primary effects on the landscape; first, they prohibit the innovation that promotes ecological diversity and productivity, and second, they lead to an increased accumulation of fire fuel. Even the ostensible purpose of an HCP -- environmental protection -- is not served. The local adoption of an international fire code, called the Urban Wildand Intermix Code (UWIC), is the first step toward creating a countywide HCP.

Local citizen Nick Vrolyk makes clear to Santa Cruz County fire districts that their responsibility will change very dramatically from one of fire protection to one of facilitating the access to our private properties by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), under the auspices of fire protection. USFWS's agenda is to look for and map endangered species and wildlife habitats.

One must look to the real purpose in order to understand the goal of Habitat Conservation Plans -- they are part of a program designed to eliminate private property.

Endangered Education: Salamander may get bond funds meant for building classrooms

APTOS, Calif. -- State and federal environmental officials have indefinitely halted construction of the Aptos High School campus due to the discovery of a long-toed salamander on an adjoining property. No salamander has been discovered on the campus, but the school may be forced to use bond money meant for student facilities to build a wall around the campus for protecting possible salamander habitat. Some temporary buildings have already been removed, eliminating classroom space on the already crowded campus.

Learning globally: U.N. program takes root in U.S. by George Archibald (The Washington Times)

George Archibald reports on United Nations International Baccalaureate (IB) schools operating within the United States. UNESCO maintains that the IB curriculum promotes human rights, social justice and the need for "sustainable development".

Parents who send their children to these schools have a responsibility to understand that Article 29 Section 3 of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights stands in sharp contrast to the essence of the American experiment. Under the United States Declaration of Independence each individual has an unalienable right to life, liberty and property. Under Article 29 section 3 of the United Nations Declaration for a new global order, man's rights will not be unalienable, but rather decreed and rescinded by a ruling elite.

Global warming: just the facts, please! by David R. Legates (Tech Central Station)

Some scientists say that mankind caused the warmest decade on record. David Legates, Director of the Center for Climatic Research at the University of Delaware, shows how the evidence says otherwise.

See Dr. Legates' monograph from the Independent Institute, New Perspectives in Climate Change: What the EPA Isn't Telling Us

How to Advance Individual Liberty and Equal Justice in Your Backyard
What to Do About the Threat of Sustainable Development
8 helpful tips from Freedom 21 Santa Cruz to improve the impact of your local efforts.
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Old Mack Donald's
The eco-police took his farm! Get this hilariously poignant single by Barbecue Bob and the Purple Mountain Boys.
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The Philosophy of Liberty
This animation from Ken Schoolland is about a society where people respect each other's property, liberty and lives. The legal, social and moral principles that guide a society based on individual liberty are simple indeed!
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