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Which Heparin Protocol? Weight-based | For Stroke
History of glycoprotein 2B3A therapy? Yes | No
Enter Weight lbs
Enter Height inches
Gender Male | Female
Dosing Weight Estimates
Actual Body Weight (ABW) kg
Ideal Body Weight (IBW) kg
Ratio of ABW/IBW
Dosing Weight (DW) kg
Bolus units
Initial Infusion units/hr
Heparin Sliding Scale
aPTT Adjust (use Dosing Weight)
< 41 seconds

Bolus units

Increase infusion by units/hr

41 to 60 seconds

Bolus units

Increase infusion by units/hr

61 to 112 seconds NO CHANGE
113 to 150 seconds Reduce infusion by units/hr
151 to 250 seconds

Hold heparin infusion for ONE hour,

Reduce infusion by units/hr

> 250 seconds Stop heparin infusion, draw a stat aPTT in one hour. If two consecutive aPTT are > 250, contact physician for further instructions.
Please email to Khanh D. Luong for comments, suggestions, or error-reporting.