Fiction    “Baggage”  Pg. 172
“But she and Tom had gone away early that afternoon, and had taken baggage full of clothes, money, jewels, and other material things.  They grabbed everything in their house that they could get in the car.  They jammed so many things into the car that you could only see out the front windshield. They took the most expensive things they owned, and even had Daisy lie down in the back of the car until they got out of town, just in case there was any speculation as to what was going on.  “Hurry up, grab what you can so we can get out of here!” Tom said in nervousness.
“Wait!  What exactly is going on?  You aren’t telling me everything.”  Daisy responded.  “Stop asking questions right now, and hurry up, we should get out of here as fast as we can.”  Tom said.
“No, I am not doing anymore without you telling me exactly what you were doing talking with Wilson.”  Daisy commanded.
Tom walks towards Daisy with fierceness in his eyes and with an open fist.  Slap!  Tom slaps her across the cheek saying, “Stop asking these questions right now and listen to me!  Pick up your things and get in the car.  I will tell you all of it later.  I am sick of your worrying women!  I took care of things, now all we have to do is get the hell out of here to avoid confrontation. Okay!”
Daisy nods her head and continues to grab things quietly.  After the got everything they needed, they took off, and nobody has seen them since.
-Brian Salvi

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