Hello, this is were I give you some of the best combos to use in a deck.
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1. The Plan(~) + Hero's Way(~) + Gohan Spots the Imposter Drill(d~).
Here how to do a great combo against ally type decks. First you wait until your opponent puts down a good amount of ally (preferably 2 or more so your opponents must chose to discard one or more of them), then use The Plan and get rid of all the allys. Next you use Hero Way and let your opponent get back all of their allys and they will be sittin in your opponent's hand unable to be played because of Gohan Spots the Imposter Drill, and if your worried about losing your drills then use Orange Focusing Drill and Winter Country Side to keep all of your drills and never lose them unless you or you opponent raise your personality level to the next stage.
2. Krillin (-MP-) 4 Krillin’s Heat Seeking Blast(e!) + 4 Krillin’s Drill(d~).
I personally think this combo is great because if you use Krillin as your main personality (-MP-) you are allowed 4 Krillin’s Heat Seeking Blasts and 4 Krillin’s Drills in your deck. Krillin’s Drill is good because it does 1 extra life card damage to your opponent. It goes great with Krillin’s heat seeking blast because for one thing you can have 4 in a deck if Krillin is your main personality and the attack can’t be stopped or prevented. So that does 8 life cards to your opponent if you have all 4 Krillin’s Drills in play that can’t be stopped.
3. Orange Focusing Drill(d~) + Orange Destruction Drill(d~).
I think this combo is great against a deck which uses a lot of non-combat cards. Orange Destruction is a great cards against decks with a lot of non-combat cards because it allows you discard one of your opponents non-combat/non-dragon ball cards in play at the beginning of each players turn. Orange Focusing Drill helps with Orange Destruction Drill because none of your drills can be discarded or effected in any way when this card is in play. The only way an opponent can get rid of Orange Focusing Drill is by making the person who is using it go up another level or making the person who is using it run out of cards in his life deck.
4. (2)Goku's Physical Attack(p!) + Black Style Mastery.
Virtually a one combat win. It is a bit tuff to use but it works. In order to have this trick work you can't let your opponent do any life card damage to you, you can't use the third card in your hand more than once, your opponent can't block all of your physical attacks (it is ok if your opponents blocks the first few attacks) and you must have two Goku's Physical Attacks. What you do is start combat (or have you opponent start combat, it doesn't really matter) and attack with one of you GPAs (Goku Physical Attack). Then defend against your opponents attack (preferably something that blocks all of your opponents attacks and is removed from the game). Then attack with another GPA and pick up your first GPA. Then attack with the GPA again and pick back up your second GPA, and continue this cycle. You see that because of Black Style Mastery (or some drill that allows you to do at least one life card of damage for the GPAs) allows you to do one life card of damage per GPA, and seen as how your opponent eventually runs out of cards in his hand to block you with, you will slowly wear down your opponent down to nothing. Pretty cool huh!
5. Orange Body Shifting Drill(d~) + Orange Style Mastery
All energy attacks costing 3 or less power stages only cost 1 power stage to perform. You know the big Orange Special Beam Cannon can only cost you 1 power stage in stead of 3 so it does 10 life cards when at your highest stage. The way this works is Orange Body Shifting drill makes all or you energy attacks that cost 2 power stages only cost 1 instead, and Orange Style Mastery can lower the cost by one or down to costing one power stage. So if you want to use a card like Orange Special Beam Cannon then you use the Mastery to make it cost 2 power stages and then use the Drill to take it from 2 to 1, so there 1 power stage instead of 3.
-MP- =Main Personality
e! =Energy Attack
e* =Energy Defense
p! =Physical Attack
p* =Physical Defense
! =Combat Attack
* =Combat Defense
d~ =Drill card
~ =Non-Combat card
-DB- =Earth Dragon Ball card
-NB- =Namek Dragon Ball card
-BG- =Battlground card
-LC- =Location card
E-mail me E-mail me if you have a great combo.