Rant of The Month
Girls.... SWEET JEBUS!!
     What the fuck? That is the question... wanna hear it again? WHAT THE FUCK?  First your their love of their life, next thing you know she don't give a shit about you.  They flirt with you like all hell but then when you try to pursue something they want nothing to do with you.  Girls can you please be a little more... understandable? I mean seriously.  I know all of the woman want Ricky's body, or even Kyle's but please stop messing with emotions.  SURE SURE guys are just as confusing to girls as girls are confusing to guys, but thats no excuse to play with someone's emotions.  NOW, this rant isn't just for me cuz right now the females are all good in my mind, but I have close friends of the male sex that are prolly one step away from turning gay or bi. "Turn bi, it opens up your options" once said by Ms. Simms.  Sure I could do that or my male-friends could do that but that would be giving up, quitting in my opinion.  I will always stay straight.  Women think they can mess with my emotions, they think they can deny love for my package. Well they have another thing coming to them.  You women want a war.... well you GOT ONE! Father's LOCK YOUR DAUGHTERS UP! Mothers watch out for a kid named Tyler Maxwell Maples.  Girls put your chastity belts back on. This tiger is loose, and he's gonna find him a goose.

P.S. Someone take one for the team and do something with ricky.... I mean god everyman has to get some sort of ass. PLEASE

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