What is Anemia?
    Anemia is a disease in which the red blood cell count or the hemoglobin in the red blood cells falls below the normal amount.  This causes the body to get less oxygen which in turn can cause exhaustion and also cause the body to not function properly.  "Anemia affects approximately 3.4 million Americans, people of all ages and from all walks of life" (Understanding).  Sometimes the disease can become deadly, but hopefully it does not come to this.  Keep a smile on your face, anemia is treatable. . 
Different Types and Explanations of Anemia:
    There are many types of Anemia.  One type is Iron-deficiency anemia.  This type of anemia causes the body to not absorb all the iron that the body needs.  The effect ends up being less energy from not getting the nutrients needed.  This is the most common type of anemia.  "Twenty percent of all US women of childbearing age have iron-deficiency anemia, compared with just three percent of men" (Yahoo!). 
     Another type of anemia is folic-acid-deficiency anemia.  In this type of anemia the red blood cells are enlarged, have a short life span, and carrie less hemoglobin.  The effect of this anemia is also the body's inability to get proper amount of folic-acid.  This can lead up to birth deffects in newborn children.
     A third type of anemia is Hemolytic anemia.  This anemia can be inherited and acquired.  One of the most known types of anemia in the world falls under this type. Sickle Cell Anemia is one form of hemolytic anemia.  The sypmtom of sickle cell anemia is that is causes red blood cells to be formed incomplete.  Which leads to the mishape of red blood cells.  This can cause the chances for blood clots.  Also the shape makes the red blood cells smaller so that not as much oxygen can be carried throughout the body.  In turn effecting the body very negativly.
     There are over a hundred types of anemia.  Some are very unnoticable, but some can become deadly.  As long as a doctor is consulted and proper treatment is taken then anemia can be very treatable so that you may still live your life.
How do the different types vary from one another?
    Different types of anemia vary from each other.  Each type of anemia negativly effects the body.  Whether it causes the deformation of red blood cells or causes an iron deficiency anemia effects red blood cells or the hemoglobin inside the red blood cells.  Another way that different types of anemia vary is that some can grow into very deadly diseases.  While others just effect little things that happen in your everyday life. 
What negative effects can Anemia have on the daily functioning of the body?
    Anemia causes negative effects on the daily functioning of the human body.  The major
negative effects of anemia on the body would most certainly have to be fatigue.  From not being able to get the right amount of nutrients or not being able to get enough oxygen anemia makes the body fatigue.(Notice this dog is fatigued, but also realize he is not human which means he doesn't have anemia, he is just an example)
Explain the physiological reason(s) for those negative effects.
    There are physiological reasons for those negative effects of anemia.  One very apparent reason is the mishaping of the cell in sickle cell anemia.  The misshaping of the cell causes less oxygen to be carried throughout the body.  This causes the body to work harder for oxygen which in turn causes fatigue.
     Another physiological reason for fatigue is not enough energy. Which is caused by the red blood cells inability to take the nutrients through the blood stream to where they need to go.  This makes it so your body doens't get its gas to run which wears down and causes negative effects.
How is Anemia treated?
    Anemia is treated in many ways depending on the type of anemia you have.  If you have Iron-deficiency anemia then one treatment is Iron supplements taken daily.  After taking you may live your life normally.  A treatment for Megaloblastic anemia is vitamin B12 injections.  For folic-acid-deficiency anemia supplements of folic acid should do the trick.  Depending on which type of anemia you have different treatments will be available.  That is the only good thing about getting anemia.  It can be treated and usually can be cured.  People with Anemia have hope.
Remember, Anemia Doesn't Have To Slow Down Your Life!! Don't Let It Win The War!
Matt here says, "Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease!" and also "You can win the war against Anemia!"
Works Consulted
"Understanding Anemia." December 2002. 8 January 2003.
"Yahoo! Heath: Iron Deficiency anemia. 9 January 2003.                  <         Disease_Feed_Data/ Iron_defiency_anemia/index.html