Andre Quotes

Do you have any Andre quotes? If so, E-mail me the quotes and you'll get full credit for the quotes.


"Go Britney."

"The best thing about being on the road with Britney is that it's a family and it doesn't feel like a job because we're having so much fun at the same time."

"Don't drive with Britney Spears."

* "Hot, Tired, Sweaty"

" It's amazing because seeing all her success and seeing her rise to stardom and being there with her the whole time, seeing the whole thing take place is just amazing, and seeing how real she is."

-- on Britney Spears

"Being able to work with someone like that is amazing too!"

-- on Britney Spears

What others are saying:

"Wait Just One Minute! My dancers are my best friends. Their names are TJ Espinoza, Tania Ante, Alex Estornel, Andre Fuentes, Charissa Seaman, Nick Florez, Brandon Henschel and Gabriel Paige. They do everything with me when we are together. Have you ever seen one of my concerts? I praise them all so much! When I'm interviewed, the reporters never print anything I say about them."

"I been with my dancers since the very beginning... um... they're like my friends."

"To my dancers for never allowing a dull moment-talking about teaching me and encouraging me on things I never knew! UGH! (Close your ears FE!) I truly love each of you!" 

-- Britney Spears

" TJ, Nick, Andre, Alex-- You are all beat!"

-- Criss of Boyz n Girlz United Album thank yous

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