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Computer technology is everywhere.  Its impossible to escape it in this day and age.  However, all things electronic on a world wide network are susceptable to glitches and viruses.  What if these viruses were much more than we give them credit for?  What if they had the ability to threaten the very existance of the human race?

Unfortunately, they do.  So a new "anti-virus" software, as it were, has been created to keep the viruses from invading the real world.  Join now in the adventures of the newest defenders of the planet...

                                   ...The CyberRangers.
This site has made leaps and bounds in the past two days.  Almost all sections are open and most of the rangers have pictures.  Hopefully, within the next week/week and a half the site will be able to be done enough until things in the fanfic require it to change.
This site is in no way associated with Saban, Disney, ABC, or Village Roadshow Productions.
                                       This site is broght to you by:

tj_evans2003 - the author of the fanfiction and what text there is on the site


goldrangerx - the artist of any and all art on the site that wasn't provided by geocities