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Titan Chemistry

About Dr. Brown

Introduction to Chemistry Assignments Introduction To Chemistry Resources AP Chemistry Assignments AP Chemistry Resources


Welcome to Titan Chemistry

Titan Chemistry has resources for the Skyline High School students enrolled in Dr. Brown's Introduction to  Chemistry and Advanced Placement Chemistry classes. Use the links above to find assignment logs, course syllabi, grading policy and management plans, instructions and rubrics for regular assignments, quiz dates, chemistry links, and Dr. Brown's e-mail.

The following quote touches on the heart of my passion for teaching science to ALL students.

…to learn science is not [merely] to learn what the last generation of scientists thought the world was like: it is to learn how each new generation of scientists re-makes our view of the world. Ultimately, it is to learn how to have some degree of participation in this process of invention and discovery.

Jay L. Lemke

Teaching and learning science is a big job. The consumable supplies that are essential for the hands-on lab experiments are expensive. I always can use some parent and community support. Please have visit the wish list and invite your parents to do so.

Titan Chemistry is maintained by the Dr. Brown. Updated July 10, 2005


icon  The website is under renovation to serve two new classes this year. Please check back in late august to see what's new.

FAQ: Honors and AP Chemistry Students have no summer assignments.