Goals and Purpose
Missy Knows-It-All
It All Boils Down To This
Weight: (WAIT!)

I would be a complete idiot (but I'm not) if I were to say I wanted to obtain and maintain a ridiculous size 3 weight. First, I don't have the bone structure that would allow for that and, more importantly, I'm just too damn old to have a stick thin figure. It's not natural.  If there was anything I got from the Dr. Phil weight loss audio CDs I bought (but never did apply to my life), it's that you have to be a realist when it comes to discerning what is the right size for you. 

My doctor assessed goal is 165.  However, as I've reached 192 (actually, 188.2 as of this morning!), I'm starting to think that 150 may be better suited for me.  But I won't know until I get to the doctor assessed goal.  Who knows? No one until I get there, so it's not worth ruminating on, is it?

Love Thyself and All Will Come To Be

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Exercise and Diet

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Chubby Mum
Eyes Wide Open
Fat Queen
Swirl Girl

Diaryland Notes

Diet: (Not just to lose weight, but for maintenance as well)

More information about my current weight loss diet is found under "
Exercise and Diet". My goals for my diet, now and as I start on a weight maintenance regime, is to eat healthily and "routinely" (much of my problem stems from not eating which causes my body to retain the food by going into survival mode), to savor the foods I do eat, control the portions and learning to moderate splurges so that when I do enjoy being a bit bad, it doesn't wind up being a three-day, week long or even "the whole entire month" I'm throwing in the pot.

Missy drooled when she saw the orange, unaware it was just a mirage
Exercise: (to infinity and beyond!)

My goals for exercise as part of a lifestyle, are to get at least 30 minutes of aeorbic exercise a day (bicycling, walking, swimming) and to take part in a form of resistance and/or weight training regime at least twice a week (such as pilates, women on weights, etc.).

More information about my current exercise plan is found under "
Exercise and Diet".

Entering the exercise room, Missy wondered which rope she should tug for the first resistance training exercise of her day.
Author, Author

It's a career change that I made a few years ago when I finally began sharing my writing with my husband who, much to my amazement, encouraged me to pursue a career in writing (something that has been my lifelong ambition for as long as I can remember, but somehow got shoved aside). 
My goal is to become a published author.
Hello? Is this Missy? This is your reality check calling.

My goal for my family life is to be more attentive and to help everyone involved become  self-sufficient so we can all enjoy time together to play.

Admittedly, he's still in training. I don't know that will ever change because I tend to keep making up the rules as we go.  But my number one goal in relation to my husband is to let it go.  What I mean by that is to "trust in the decisions he makes."  Of course, there will be times when that will most likely be disasterous, but I find that he often defers to me when he's perfectly capable of making a decision. And I take the fall for that.  He defers to me to prevent me from getting upset with him and that stems from this inane desire to have control (another by-product of a crappy childhood).  So, this is why my goal is to trust the decisions he makes. After a few really bad ones, I'm sure he'll do well.  That, after all, is the goal here, right? ;-)
Tired of the umpteenth crappy decision Missy's husband makes, she decides to take matters into her own hands and thus abandons one of her goals in life.
Oh well, they can be rewritten.

Children They will not become my father's children, shying away from a love that is unnatural or with a fear that shall not be admitted into the safe haven of the home. They will be treated with love and respect, with a firm adherence to logical and understandable rules that will form them into being upstanding, compassionate and respectable participants in their community and life at whole.  I shall give them all of my experiences less the pain of abnormality and cruelty.
S. E. X.  Seductress of Exhuberant Existentialism

My sexuality is owned and defined by no one other than me. I shall explore the depths of my sexual being in a safe environment not only for me, but in relation to my marriage, my role as a mother and a member of a small, close-knit community.